
layout: post title: 二十世纪最伟大的十大算法 categories:

2013-01-20 15:41:42

一、1946 蒙特卡洛方法

1946: John von Neumann, Stan Ulam, and Nick Metropolis, all at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, cook up the Metropolis algorithm, also known as the Monte Carlo method.

二、1947 单纯形法

1947: George Dantzig, at the RAND Corporation, creates the simplex method for linear programming.

三、1950 Krylov子空间迭代法

1950: Magnus Hestenes, Eduard Stiefel, and Cornelius Lanczos, all from the Institute for Numerical Analysis at the National Bureau of Standards, initiate the development of Krylov subspace iteration methods.

四、1951 矩阵计算的分解方法

1951: Alston Householder of Oak Ridge National Laboratory formalizes the decompositional approach to matrix computations.

五、1957 优化的Fortran编译器

1957: John Backus leads a team at IBM in developing the Fortran optimizing compiler.]

六、1959-61 计算矩阵特征值的QR算法

[1959–61: J.G.F. Francis of Ferranti Ltd, London, finds a stable method for computing eigenvalues, known as the QR algorithm.

七、1962 快速排序算法

1962: Tony Hoare of Elliott Brothers, Ltd., London, presents Quicksort.

八、1965 快速傅立叶变换

1965: James Cooley of the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and John Tukey of Princeton University and AT&T Bell Laboratories unveil the fast Fourier transform.

九、1977 整数关系检测算法

1977: Helaman Ferguson and Rodney Forcade of Brigham Young University advance an integer relation detection algorithm.

十、1987 快速多极算法

1987: Leslie Greengard and Vladimir Rokhlin of Yale University invent the fast multipole algorithm.


  1. Barry A. Cipra, The Best of the 20th Century: Editors Name Top 10 Algorithms
  2. July的简单翻译