title: "Learn from Advent of Vue 2022" description: "" added: "Dec 27 2022" tags: [vue]
Use the template https://stackblitz.com/edit/vue3-vite-starter to start.
In a Vue component, <script setup>
can be used alongside normal <script>
using the options API. It works because the <script setup>
block is compiled into the component's setup()
function. A normal <script>
may be needed, for example, we need to run side effects or create objects that should only execute once in module scope (outside the export default {}
Components using <script setup>
are closed by default - i.e. the public instance of the component will not expose any of the bindings declared inside <script setup>
. To explicitly expose properties, use the defineExpose
compiler macro.
By the way, destructuring a value from a reactive object will break reactivity, since the reactivity comes from the object itself and not the property you’re grabbing. Using toRefs
lets us destructure our props when using script setup
without losing reactivity.
const { count } = defineProps<{ count: number }>(); // Don't do this!
// The first obvious solution is to not destructure the props object
const props = defineProps<{ count: number }>();
const even = computed(() => (props.count % 2 === 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'));
// Use toRefs() helper
const props = defineProps<{ count: number }>();
const { count } = toRefs(props);
const even = computed(() => (count.value % 2 === 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'));
What is the difference between
- The idea of using
is to wrap a non-object variable inside a reactive object.toRef
converts a single reactive object property to a ref that maintains its connection with the parent object:const fooRef = toRef(state, 'foo')
is a utility method used for destructing a reactive object and convert all its properties to ref:toRefs(state)
Adding deep reactivity to a large object can cost you a lot of performance, you can optimize the reactivity in your app by using shallowRef
. Here reactivity is only triggered when the value
of the ref
itself is changed, but modifying any of the nested properties won’t trigger anything.
const state = shallowRef({ count: 1 })
// does NOT trigger change
state.value.count = 2
// does trigger change
state.value = { count: 2 }
), and a value that changes with each step in the recursion.<!-- ChristmasTree.vue -->
<ChristmasTree v-if="size > 1" :size="size - 1" />
<div class="flex flex-row justify-center">
<!-- Create the tree sections -->
<div v-for="i in size" class="relative rounded-full bg-green w-16 h-16 -m-2 flex justify-center items-center" />
vs. v-show
: Generally speaking, v-if
has higher toggle costs while v-show
has higher initial render costs. For example, if you have a tabs component, that some tab contains a heavy component. Using v-if
, it will get the component destroyed and re-created when switching tabs. Using v-show
, you will need to pay the mounting cost on the initial render even you haven't switch to that tab yet.
Similar idea to "Copy JSX? Create a component. Copy logic? Create a hook."
How the Vue Composition API replaces Vue Mixins?
Normally, a Vue component is defined by a JavaScript object with various properties representing the functionality we need — things like data
, methods
, computed
, and so on. When we want to share the same properties between components, we can extract the common properties into a separate module. Then we can add this mixin to any consuming component by assigning it to the mixin
config property. At runtime, Vue will merge the properties of the component with any added mixins.
Mixins have drawbacks:
The key idea of the Composition API is that, rather than defining a component’s functionality as object properties, we define them as JavaScript variables that get returned from a new setup
function. The clear advantage of the Composition API is that it’s easy to extract logic. It allows Vue to lean on the safeguards built into native JavaScript in order to share code, like passing variables to the composition function, and the module system.
Composition API provides the same level of logic composition capabilities as React Hooks, but with some important differences:
// useCounter.js
// https://css-tricks.com/how-the-vue-composition-api-replaces-vue-mixins/
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'
export default function () {
const count = ref(0)
const double = computed(() => count.value * 2)
function increment() {
return {
// useEvent composable
import { onMounted, onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue'
export function useEvent = (event, handler, options) => {
const {
target = window,
} = options
onMounted(() => {
target.addEventListener(event, handler, listener)
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
target.removeEventListener(event, handler, listener)
// useTimeout composable
export function useTimeout = (fn, delay, options) => {
const immediate = options?.immediate
if (immediate) {
// The effect function receives a function that can be used to register a cleanup callback.
// The cleanup callback will be called right before the next time the effect is re-run.
watchEffect(onCleanup => {
if (isRef(delay)) {
if (typeof delay.value !== 'number' || delay.value < 0) return
} else {
if (typeof delay !== 'number' || delay < 0) return
const _delay = unref(delay)
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
}, _delay)
onCleanup(() => {
Each component instance calling
will create its own copies of x and y state so they won't interfere with one another. But if you put those values outside of the composable function, it will persist, like a basic state or store. When you need to access those values later somewhere else, they won't be reset everytime you call the composable.
We abandon the options API for the composition API, and the idea is not that we write everything the same way as the options API but not having the data/computed/watch options.
// Common mistake: Grouping by options
// data
const originalMessage = ref('Hello World!')
const isReversed = ref(false)
// computed
const message = computed(() => {
if (isReversed.value) {
return originalMessage.value.split('').reverse().join('')
return originalMessage.value
// watch...
// Let's Refactor it
// Message-related stuff
const originalMessage = ref('Hello World!')
const { toggleReverse, message } = useMessage(originalMessage)
// create `useMessage.js` file or inline composables
function useMessage(input) {
const originalMessage = toRef(input)
const reversedMessage = computed(() => originalMessage.value.split('').reverse().join(''))
const isReversed = ref(false)
function toggleReverse() {
isReversed.value = !isReversed.value
const message = computed(() => {
if (isReversed.value) {
return reversedMessage.value
return originalMessage.value
return {
It is possible to have two script sections within a Vue Single File component: one with the setup
attribute and one without. One of reasons for this is exporting types or data that are tightly tied to the component but could be useful elsewhere.
<!-- UserProfileComponent -->
<script lang="ts">
export interface UserProfile{
username: string,
// etc...
<script setup lang="ts">
It is also possible to use both Options API and Composition API. Although you can access Composition API from the Options API, it’s a one-way street. The Composition API cannot access anything defined through the Options API.
export default {
setup() {
const darkMode = ref(false)
// We can't access the method
// this.changeTheme(true)
return { darkMode }
methods: {
saveDarkMode() {
localStorage.setItem('dark-mode', this.darkMode)
changeTheme(val) {
// We can update values from the Options API
this.darkMode = val;
<div class="w-full h-full flex flex-col justify-center items-center text-center gap-12">
<p v-christmas>Red + Green (default)</p>
<p v-christmas:red>Red only</p>
<p v-christmas:green>Green only</p>
<p v-christmas="5">Slower Animation</p>
// main.js
const app = createApp(App)
app.directive('christmas', (el, binding) => {
const duration = binding.value ?? 2 // the length of the animation in seconds
const color = binding.arg ?? 'red-green' // the class to add for the different colors
// this will be called for both `mounted` and `updated`
el.classList.add('christmas-text', color)
el.style.animationDuration = duration + 's'
const firstName = ref('');
const lastName = ref('');
const fullName = computed({
get: () => `${firstName.value} ${lastName.value}`,
set: (val) => {
const split = val.split(' '); // ['Michael', 'Thiessen']
firstName.value = split[0]; // 'Michael'
lastName.value = split[1]; // 'Thiessen'
fullName.value = 'Michael Thiessen';
console.log(lastName.value); // 'Thiessen'
A common mistake using computed
is non reactive value as a dependency. Often developers need some reactivity when working with browser API’s, but the APIs are not reactive. To get around this, we will use VueUse library that adds reactivity to web browser APIs.
const videoPlayer = ref<HTMLVideoElement>();
// wrong, not reactive
const playing = computed(() => !videoPlayer.value?.paused);
// instead, use composable from VueUse that provides a reactive ref
const { playing: videoPlaying} = useMediaControls(videoRef, {
src: "/example.mp4",
<div class="named-slot">
<h2><slot name="title">default</slot></h2>
<div class="scoped-slot">
<slot name="display" :number="likeCount" :message="message"></slot>
<button type="button" @click="handleClick">Like</button>
<template #title>
<span>My Title</span>
<template #default>
<p>Put me in, coach!</p>
<template #default>
<span>My Likes</span>
<template #display="{ number, message }">
<p>{{ number }}</p>
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<router-link to="/">first</router-link> /
<router-link to="/second">second</router-link>
<RouterView v-slot="{ Component }">
<template v-if="Component">
<!-- main content -->
<component :is="Component"></component>
<!-- loading state -->
<template #fallback> Loading... </template>
import { watchEffect } from 'vue'
import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router'
export default {
setup() {
const route = useRoute()
const router = useRouter()
// Route isn't reactive
watchEffect(() => console.log('Route changed', route))
// But its properties are
watchEffect(() => console.log('Path changed', route.path))
// useRouter also works
watchEffect(() => console.log('[Router] Path changed', router.currentRoute.value))
v-slot="{ Component }"
exposes a scoped slot, where Component
is the dynamically loaded component for the current route. The scoped slot gives you more programmatic control over the rendering process, making it easier to add transitions, loading states, or additional wrapping logic around your route components.
Renderless components can be an alternative to composables when finding ways to design reusable logic in your Vue apps. As you might guess, they don't render anything. Instead, they handle all the logic inside a script section and then expose properties through a scoped slot.
Many components are contentless components. They provide a container, and you have to supply the content. Think of a button, a menu, or a card component. Slots allow you to pass in whatever markup and components you want, and they also are relatively open-ended, giving you lots of flexibility.
<!-- NorthPoleDistance.vue -->
<script setup lang="ts">
import { getDistanceKm, getDistanceMiles } from '@/utils/distance'
import { useGeolocation } from '@vueuse/core'
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'
const { coords } = useGeolocation()
const unit = ref<'km' | 'mile'>('mile')
const distance = computed(() => {
return unit.value === 'km'
? getDistanceKm(coords.value.latitude, coords.value.longitude)
: getDistanceMiles(coords.value.latitude, coords.value.longitude)
const toggleUnit = () => {
if (unit.value === 'km') {
unit.value = 'mile'
} else {
unit.value = 'km'
<!-- this should only render a slot -->
<!-- or :unit="unit" :distance="distance" :toggleUnit="toggleUnit" -->
<slot v-bind="{ unit, distance, toggleUnit }" />
<!-- App.vue -->
<div class="container mx-auto px-4">
<NorthPoleDistance v-slot="{ distance, toggleUnit, unit }">
<p>You are currently: {{ distance }} {{ unit }}s away from the North Pole.</p>
<button @click="toggleUnit" class="bg-green text-white px-4 py-2 rounded">Toggle Unit</button>
Composables and renderless components are two patterns in Vue that offer different approaches for encapsulating and reusing logic. Composables typically consist of functions that return reactive data and methods, which can be imported and used in different components. On the other hand, renderless components focus on separating the logic of a component from its presentation by having the parent component take care of rendering the appropriate UI.
// Option 1: composables
export function useCheckboxToggle() {
const checkbox = ref(false);
const toggleCheckbox = () => {
checkbox.value = !checkbox.value;
return {
<!-- Option 2: renderless components -->
<slot :checkbox="checkbox" :toggleCheckbox="toggleCheckbox"></slot>
<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
const checkbox = ref(false);
const toggleCheckbox = () => {
checkbox.value = !checkbox.value;
When using the render function instead of templates, you'll be using the h
function a lot (hyperscript
- "JavaScript that produces HTML"). It creates a virtual node, an object that Vue uses internally to track updates and what it should be rendering. These render functions are essentially what is happening "under the hood" when Vue compiles your single file components to be run in the browser.
import { h } from 'vue'
export default {
render() {
// The first argument is either an HTML element name or a component
// The second argument is a list of props, attributes, and event handlers
// The third argument is either a string for a text node or an array of children VNodes
return h("div", {}, [
h("h1", {}, "Render Functions are awesome"),
h("p", {class: 'text-blue-400'}, "Some text")
// vue-vdom.js
// Create a virtual node
export function h(tag, props, children) {
return { tag, props, children }
// tag: h1
// props: { class: 'text-red-500'}
// children: 'Hello'
// Add a virtual node onto the DOM
export function mount(vnode, container) {
const el = document.createElement(vnode.tag)
vnode.el = el
for (const key in vnode.props) {
if (key.startsWith('on')) {
el.addEventListener(key.slice(2).toLowerCase(), vnode.props[key])
el.setAttribute(key, vnode.props[key])
if (typeof vnode.children === 'string') {
// Text
el.textContent = vnode.children
} else if (Array.isArray(vnode.children)) {
// Array of vnodes
vnode.children.forEach(child => mount(child, el))
} else {
// Single vnode
mount(vnode.children, el)
// Remove a vnode from the real DOM
export function unmount(vnode) {