
Start a modern web project

# `npm create` is an alias for `npm init`
npm create vite@latest

npm create vite@latest my-vue-app -- --template vue
npx create-next-app@latest my-app --typescript --tailwind --eslint

npx shadcn-ui@latest init
# nuxt@latest also works. `nuxi` is the cli package, it's minimal and fast to download
# When you install nuxt, it re-exports nuxi as both `nuxi` and `nuxt`
npx nuxi@latest init my-app

Start with templates:

A typical full stack web application with Next.js, React, shadcn/ui, Prisma, and MySQL:

Why Next.js written by @leeerob: I never need to write separate backends for projects I want to create. I can build my entire project with Next.js. I never have to worry about bundler, compiler, or frontend infrastructure. I'm able to use the latest React features, which I personally find to have a great developer experience. Next.js provides a bunch of components that help me keep my site fast.

Remix - full stack web framework

export const action = async ({ params, request }: ActionArgs) => {
  invariant(params.contactId, "Missing contactId param");
  const formData = await request.formData();
  return updateContact(params.contactId, {
    favorite: formData.get("favorite") === "true",

export const loader = async ({ params }: LoaderArgs) => {
  invariant(params.contactId, "Missing contactId param");
  const contact = await getContact(params.contactId);
  if (!contact) {
    throw new Response("Not Found", { status: 404 });
  return json({ contact });

An invariant function from tiny-invariant takes a value, and if the value is falsy then the invariant function will throw. If the value is truthy, then the function will not throw.

Modular architecture of Front-end applications

<img alt="apple-style-dock" src="https://raw.gitmirror.com/kexiZeroing/blog-images/main/modular-architecture.png" width="700">

Writing Modern JavaScript without a Bundler


  1. Create index.html and denote our script tag (from our HTML file) as type="module".
  2. Introduce HMR via browser-sync start --server \"src\" --watch. The page refreshed while we modify any of the files in src.
  3. Use CDN like unpkg.com to load libraries in our app. Remember, we need to have import and export lines, looking for files labeled something like ES6 or ESM or BROWSER.
  4. Not all libraries are bundled to support ESM as a single file. If it does not, we may use esbuild to bundle the dependencies.
  5. Leverage an importmap to alias the URL to be imported.

Writing CSS in 2024

CSS-in-JS libraries (e.g. styled-components, Emotion for React) allows you to style your components by writing CSS directly in your JavaScript code. The good part includes making styles locally-scoped by default, colocating styles with components, enabling you to reference JavaScript variables in your style rules. But CSS-in-JS adds runtime overhead, the library must "serialize" your styles into plain CSS string that can be inserted into the document. Every time the component renders, the object styles are serialized again. Btw, using CSS-in-JS with newer React features like Server Components and Streaming requires library authors to support the latest version of React.

// const btnStyles = css`
//   width: 100px;
//   height: 100px;
//   color: ${red};
// `;
// strings: ["width: 100px; height: 100px; color: ", ";"]
// interpolations: ["red"]
const interleave = (strings, interpolations) => {
  return strings.reduce((output, str, i) => 
    output + str + (interpolations[i] ?? ''), '');

const styleElement = document.createElement('style');
const sheet = styleElement.sheet;

export const css = (strings, ...interpolations) => {
  const styleString = interleave(strings, interpolations).trim();
  // We use 36 as the radix here so that the output string uses the 26 alphabet characters as well.
  // e.g. css-0, css-a
  const className = `css-${sheet.cssRules.length.toString(36)}`;

  sheet.insertRule(`.${className} { ${styleString} }`, sheet.cssRules.length);
  return className;

CSS Modules are a small but impactful enhancement on top of vanilla CSS. A CSS Module is a CSS file where all class names and animation names are scoped locally by default. They treat the classes defined in each file as unique. Each class name or identifier is renamed to include a unique hash, and a mapping is exported to JavaScript to allow referencing them. CSS Modules are available in almost every modern bundler and framework.

Tailwind uses a compiler to generate only the classes used. So while the utility CSS framework contains many possible class names, only the classes used will be included in the single, compiled CSS file. Tailwind classes are just utilities for normal CSS that adhere to a design system. You can mix and match Tailwind with CSS Modules.

  1. Tailwind CSS is incredibly performance focused and aims to produce the smallest CSS file possible by only generating the CSS you are actually using in your project.
  2. The way Tailwind scans your source code for classes is intentionally very simple — we don’t actually parse or execute any of your code in the language it’s written in, we just use regular expressions to extract every string that could possibly be a class name. (Don’t construct class names dynamically)
// What `twMerge` and `clsx` solve
// `tailwind-merge` intelligently merges conflicting Tailwind classes.
// twMerge('px-2 py-1 bg-red', 'p-3 bg-[#B91C1C]');
// But some developers prefer to use an object-based syntax for conditional classes
// `clsx` is generally used to construct className strings conditionally.
// clsx({ foo:true, bar:false, baz:isTrue() });
// Combine twMerge and clsx to a single `cn` (short for "class names") function
import { clsx } from "clsx"
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge"

export function cn(...inputs) {
  return twMerge(clsx(inputs))

Lightning CSS is an extremely fast CSS parser, transformer, and minifier written in Rust. It lets you use modern CSS features and future syntax today. Features such as CSS nesting, custom media queries, high gamut color spaces, logical properties, and new selector features are automatically converted to more compatible syntax based on your browser targets. Lightning CSS is used by Vite, and soon by Tailwind and Next.js. Tools like postcss and autoprefixer are being replaced by faster, all-in-one Rust toolchains.

Lightning CSS can be used as a library from JavaScript or Rust, or from a standalone CLI. It can also be wrapped as a plugin in other build tools, and it is built into Parcel out of the box. For example, as a standalone CLI, it can be used to compile, minify, and bundle CSS files: lightningcss --minify --bundle --targets 'defaults' input.css -o output.css.

module and require in Node.js

Node.js treats each JavaScript file as a separate module and encloses the entire code within a function wrapper: (function(exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {}). The five parameters — exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname are available inside each module. Even if you define a global variable in a module using let or const keywords, the variables are scoped locally to the module rather than being scoped globally.

The module parameter refers to the object representing the current module and exports is a key of the module object which is also an object. module.exports is used for defining stuff that can be exported by a module. exports parameter and module.exports are the same unless you reassign exports within your module.

exports.name = 'Alan';
exports.test = function () {};
console.log(module)  // { exports: { name: 'Alan', test: [Function] } }

// exports is a reference and it's no longer same as module.exports if you change the reference
exports = {
  name: 'Bob',
  add: function () {}
console.log(exports) // { name: 'Bob', add: [Function] }
console.log(module)  // { exports: { name: 'Alan', test: [Function] } }

module.exports = {
  name: 'Bob',
  add: function () {}
console.log(module)  // { exports: { name: 'Bob', add: [Function] } }

require keyword refers to a function which is used to import all the constructs exported using the module.exports from another module. The value returned by the require function in module y is equal to the module.exports object in the module x. The require function takes in an argument which can be a name or a path. You should provide the name as an argument when you are using the third-party modules or core modules provided by NPM. On the other hand, when you have custom modules defined by you, you should provide the path of the module as the argument.

Modules are cached after the first time they are loaded. This means every call to require('foo') will get exactly the same object returned, if it would resolve to the same file.

browserslist and postcss for compatibility

The browserslist configuration (either in package.json or .browserslistrc) uses caniuse data for queries to control the outputted JS/CSS so that the emitted code will be compatible with the browsers specified. It will be installed with webpack and used by many popular tools like autoprefixer, babel-preset-env. You can find these tools require browserslist in the package-lock.json file.

PostCSS is a tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript plugins. It provides features via its extensive plugin ecosystem to help improve the CSS writing experience. Currently, PostCSS has more than 200 plugins.

// postcss.config.js
// This will take care of both vendor prefixes and polyfills
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      stage: 3, // Determines which CSS features to polyfill. Default is 2
      features: {
        // https://github.com/csstools/postcss-plugins/blob/main/plugin-packs/postcss-preset-env/FEATURES.md
        'nesting-rules': true
      browsers: 'last 2 versions, > 1%, not ie <= 8'
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      overrideBrowserslist: ['last 2 versions', '> 1%', 'not ie <= 8']

PostCSS itself is a Node.js module that parses CSS into an abstract syntax tree (AST); passes that AST through any number of "plugin" functions; and then converts that AST back into a string, which you can output to a file. PostCSS plugins can do pretty much whatever they want with the parsed CSS.

Polyfills and Transpilers

When Babel compiles your code, what it's doing is taking your syntax and running it through various syntax transforms in order to get browser compatible syntax. What it's not doing is adding any new JavaScript primitives or any properties you may need to the browser's global namespace. One way you can think about it is that when you compile your code, you're transforming it. When you add a polyfill, you're adding new functionality to the browser. For example, Babel can transform arrow functions into regular functions, so, they can be compiled. However, there's nothing Babel can do to transform Promises or Math.trunc into native syntax that browsers understand, so they need to be polyfilled.

With syntax transforms, I recommend babel-preset-env. For polyfills, the most popular one is core-js.

core-js provides support for the latest ECMAScript standard and proposals, from ancient ES5 features to bleeding edge features. It is one of the main reasons why developers can use modern ECMAScript features in their development process each day for many years, but most developers just don't know that they have this possibility because of core-js since they use core-js indirectly as it's provided by their transpilers or frameworks.

core-js is used by most of the popular websites. We can check it using window['__core-js_shared__'].versions, see details at https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/blob/master/docs/2023-02-14-so-whats-next.md

The current state of ES5 on the web today


It turns out that most sites on the internet ship code that is transpiled to ES5, yet still doesn’t work in IE 11, which meaning the transpiler and polyfill bloat is being downloaded by 100% of their users, but benefiting none of them.

For a site to serve users code that contains both ES5 helpers and untranspiled ES6+ syntax, there’s really only two plausible explanations:

  1. The site doesn’t need to support ES5 browsers, but some of their dependencies transpile to ES5, so therefore ES5 code appears in their output.
  2. The site intended to support ES5 browsers, but they didn’t realize that some of their dependencies publish untranspiled ES6+ syntax, and they didn’t configure their bundler to transpile code in node_modules.

Live Reload and Hot Reload

When a file is edited, the dev server recompiles with the changes, then pushes a notification to the client code in the browser. The app code can then subscribe to "some file changed" notifications, re-import the new version of the code, and swap out the old code for the new code as the app is still running.

Live Reload refreshes the entire app when a file changes. For example, if you were four links deep into your navigation and saved a change, live reloading would restart the app and load the app back to the initial route. Hot Reload only refreshes the files that were changed without losing the state of the app. (Webpack's Hot Module Replacement replaces the modules that have been modified on the fly without reloading the entire page). The advantage of this is that it doesn't lose your app state, e.g. your inputs on your form fields, your currently selected tab.

Set up Prettier and ESLint

Install Prettier and ESLint VSCode plugins and enable format on save in settings (execute save without formatting command to disable). If you don't see the code formatted automatically on file save then it might be because you have multiple formatters installed in VS Code. Set Format Document With... and choose prettier to get it working.

Install npm packages npm i -D eslint prettier. ESLint only as an npm package does not provide any editor integration, only the CLI executable. Run eslint --init to create a eslintrc.json (or .js, .yml) config file after install eslint globally npm i -g eslint (otherwise need to run ./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js --init), pick the options as you prefer. Add eslint src as a lint script which can be run as npm run lint, and it shows eslint errors in the Problems tab. Run npm run lint -- --fix to fix errors (if not format on save).

Formatting and linting are two separate concerns. Use Prettier for code formatting concerns, and linters for code-quality concerns. Mixing the two can have negative impacts on the performance and understandability of your developer tooling.

If you don’t use a legacy ESLint shareable config that enables formatting rules, you probably don’t need eslint-config-prettier. Adding eslint-config-prettier at the end of the "extends" list doesn’t do anything if nothing enabled formatting rules to begin with.

Check out the following resources:

  1. You Probably Don't Need eslint-config-prettier or eslint-plugin-prettier
  2. Reasonable ESLint, Prettier, and TypeScript configs

What is Husky

While working on an enterprise development team, it is important that all code linting and unit tests are passing before committing code, especially if you are using some form of continuous integration. Git Hooks are a built-in feature of Git that can execute automatically when certain events occur. Husky, as a project, is a very popular npm package that allows custom scripts to be ran against your repository to prevent bad git commit and git push, which makes commits of fixing lint errors doesn't happen.

Install husky npm i -D husky and have a "husky" section in the package.json file to add git hooks.

// package.json
"husky": {
    "hooks": {
        "pre-commit": "npm run lint && npm run test",
        "pre-push": "npm test"

Debugging Node.js with --inspect-brk


Launch your Node.js process using the --inspect-brk flag (node server.js --inspect-brk). Now, open up any Edge or Chrome dev tools window and click the little green Node.js logo button. A new instance of DevTools will open and connect to the node process.

Introducing the Backend For Frontend

We had server-side functionality which we wanted to expose both via our desktop web UI, and via one or more mobile UIs. We often faced a problem in accommodating these new types of user interface, often as we already had a tight coupling between the desktop web UI and our backed services. However the nature of a mobile experience differs from a desktop web experience. In practice, our mobile devices will want to make different calls, fewer calls, and will want to display different (and probably less) data than their desktop counterparts. This means that we need to add additional functionality to our API backend to support our mobile interfaces.

One solution to this problem is that rather than have a general-purpose API backend, instead you have one backend per user experience - or call it a Backend For Frontend (BFF). The BFF is tightly coupled to a specific UI, and will typically be maintained by the same team as the user interface, thereby making it easier to define and adapt the API as the UI requires.

BFFs can be a useful pattern for architectures where there are a number of backend services, as the need to aggregate multiple downstream calls to deliver user functionality increases. In such situations it will be common for a single call in to a BFF to result in multiple downstream calls to microservices (multiple services hold the pieces of information we want).

The other benefit of using a BFF is that the team creating the interface can be much more fluid in thinking about where functionality lives. For example they could decide to push functionality on to the server-side to promote reuse in the future and simplify a native mobile application, or to allow for the faster release of new functionality. This decision is one that can be made by the team in isolation if they own both the mobile application and the BFF - it doesn't require any cross-team coordination.


Jamstack is a web architecture and stands for Javascript, APIs, and Markup stack. In this architecture, the frontend and the backend are completely separate. All interactions with the backend and third parties are done using APIs. Markup that incorporates Javascript, is pre-built into static assets, served to a client from a CDN, and relies on reusable APIs for its functionalities. A Jamstack site is a set of pre-generated static assets served from a CDN.

Jamstack is a way of working. It’s not a group of frameworks or services or tied to any particular brands or tech stack. Jamstack is defined by how you build websites, rather than the tools with which you choose to build them.

Jamstack sites have better performance, are easier to secure and scale, and cost a lot less than sites built with traditional architectures (Jamstack hosting providers take care of all of this for you). Pre-building pages ensure that any errors can be detected early enough. Most importantly, Jamstack allows teams to outsource complex services to vendors who provide, maintain, and secure APIs used on their sites. The APIs can provide specific functionality to static sites like payments, authentication, search, image uploads using Paypal, Auth0, Algolia, Cloudinary.

The most common types of Jamstack site build tools include static site generators (SSG) and headless content management systems (CMS). Static site generators are build tools that add content to templates and produce static web pages of a site. These generators can be used for Jamstack sites. Some well-known site generators include Hugo, Gatsby, Jekyll, Next.js, etc.

There are two points in time that you can integrate dynamic content into a Jamsack application:

What type of website are you building? https://whattheframework.netlify.app

Headless UI and shadcn/ui

The web platform is severely lacking in terms of UI components. There's pretty minimal by way of built-in components, and for many that do exist, they are extremely difficult to style. What's best is to get a "headless" UI library: One which handles the logic of accessible, reusable components, but leaves the styling up to you. Headless UI components separate the logic & behavior of a component from its visual representation. They offer maximum visual flexibility by providing no interface.

People constantly have to reinvent the wheel to offer fairly basic functionality, so it’s good that there are libraries to handle the behaviour and accessibility while supporting whatever visual styles you want to make.


  1. The video So You Think You Can Build A Dropdown? is diving deep into the complexities of designing and building a fully-accessible dropdown menu.
  2. Vaul is an unstyled drawer component for React that can be used as a Dialog replacement on tablet and mobile devices.

Then it leaves us with the decision about how to style things. This is where shadcn/ui comes into the picture. It's not a component library, but more of a code registry where you can copy/paste/modify the code to your content. It's built with Tailwind and Radix. shadcn/ui is a collection of reusable components that can be copied and pasted into your apps. Every component can be installed separately. It also provides a CLI that can be used to easily import components into your project, as simple as npx shadcn@latest add card, making it even more convenient to use.

# start at an empty directory (it will help you to create a Next.js project)
npx shadcn@latest init sidebar-01

# import components from v0
npx shadcn add "https://v0.dev/chat/xxx"

# Look for https://v0.dev/chat/xxx/json to know how it works
# https://github.com/jherr/shadcn-differ-demo/blob/main/simple.json
npx shadcn@latest init http://localhost:8080/simple.json

# Add simple-ai components (chat interface components)
# https://github.com/Alwurts/simple-ai
npx shadcn@latest add https://simple-ai.alwurts.com/registry/chat-message.json

To understand shadcn/ui, first we need to know what does cva (class-variance-authority) do. It basically is a function, that allows us to define variants for the element we want to style. A simple variant definition has a name and a list of possible values, each with a list of classes that should apply.

// Using `cva` to handle our variant's classes
import { cva } from "class-variance-authority";

const buttonVariants = cva(["font-semibold", "border", "rounded"], {
  variants: {
    intent: {
      primary: [
      secondary: [
    size: {
      small: ["text-sm", "py-1", "px-2"],
      medium: ["text-base", "py-2", "px-4"],
  defaultVariants: {
    intent: "primary",
    size: "medium",

// => "font-semibold border rounded bg-blue-500 text-white border-transparent hover:bg-blue-600 text-base py-2 px-4"

buttonVariants({ intent: "secondary", size: "small" });
// => "font-semibold border rounded bg-white text-gray-800 border-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-100 text-sm py-1 px-2"

clsx is used in cva. It is a utility for constructing className strings conditionally.

import clsx from 'clsx';

clsx('foo', true && 'bar', 'baz');
//=> 'foo bar baz'

clsx({ foo:true, bar:false, baz:isTrue() });
//=> 'foo baz'

clsx({ foo:true }, { bar:false }, null, { '--foobar':'hello' });
//=> 'foo --foobar'

clsx(['foo', 0, false, 'bar']);
//=> 'foo bar'

clsx(['foo'], ['', 0, false, 'bar'], [['baz', [['hello'], 'there']]]);
//=> 'foo bar baz hello there'

Combining clsx with tailwind-merge allows us to conditionally join Tailwind CSS classes in classNames together without style conflicts.

import { clsx } from "clsx"
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge"

export function cn(...inputs) {
  return twMerge(clsx(inputs))

// twMerge -> condition && "bg-green-500"
// clsx -> { "bg-green-500": condition }
<button className={cn(
  "bg-blue-500 py-2 px-4",
    "bg-green-500": condition

Design system examples

A design system is an ever evolving collection of reusable components, guided by rules that ensure consistency and speed, by being the single source of truth for any product development.


Your code needs to be hosted on a server. Depending on the size of your code and the amount of users you expect to use your product, you might need many servers. Companies used to have their own facilities and warehouses that held their servers and many still do. But for many, this is not ideal. Servers can be difficult to maintain. Maintaining servers and the buildings that house them can become expensive too. That's where AWS and other cloud providers come in.

Cloud is basically renting out servers and data storage that's owned by someone else (Serverless does not mean there aren't any servers; You still need servers to host and run your code.) Through the cloud provider (AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud), you gain access to resources like storage services, servers, networking, analytics, AI, and more. There are many other benefits: You pay only for what you use. You can easily spin up and use new servers when needed, allowing you to scale quickly. You can deploy applications globally.

Serverless is just a way of handling how you are using servers. Instead of handling all the infrastructure and server operations yourself you're relying on a cloud provider. There are different families of cloud services:

Serverless functions are an approach to writing back-end code that doesn’t require writing a back-end. In the simplest terms: we write a function using our preferred language, like JavaScript; we send that function to a serverless provider; and then we can call that function just like any API using HTTP methods. These Functions are co-located with your code and part of your Git workflow. You can focus on the business needs and developing a better quality application instead of worrying about the infrastructure and maintenance of a traditional server.

An intro to AWS for front-end developers:

  1. s3 – This is just setting up a basic S3 bucket for web hosting static assets.
  2. cf-s3 – This adds a Cloudfront distribution in front of the S3 bucket to implement edge caching of static assets.
  3. lambda – This adds a simple Lambda with function URL to handle backend calls for the site.
  4. api-gateway – This assumes you'll have a larger backend than a single function that you'd like to put behind an API Gateway with logical endpoints.
  5. dynamodb – This adds a data backend stored in DynamoDB that provides data through the Lambda to the site.

AWS provides all the necessary building blocks for the modern web. With over 200 services, AWS caters to every aspect of web application infrastructure, including compute, storage, databases, machine learning, and more. Start watching Basic Elements of AWS: https://www.proaws.dev/tutorials/basic-elements-of-aws~hk2qv

Fully hosted and self hosting solutions

In a fully hosted solution, the service provider takes care of hosting the software, managing servers, databases, scaling, and maintaining the infrastructure. Users don’t have to worry about setting up or managing the backend infrastructure. Examples: Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), Shopify, Slack.

In a self-hosted solution, the user is responsible for installing, configuring, and maintaining the software on their own servers or infrastructure. Users have full control over the environment. Examples: WordPress, GitLab.

Netlify functions

The serverless functions can be run by Netlify Dev in the same way they would be when deployed to the cloud. Once you've configured the functions directory in your netlify.toml, the functions will be accessible through netlify dev server. e.g. at http://localhost:8888/.netlify/functions/{function-name}.

Go through the guide (mainly on traditional serverless functions): https://www.netlify.com/blog/intro-to-serverless-functions/

// netlify/functions/hello-world.js
export const handler = async () => {
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: JSON.stringify({
      message: 'Hello world!'
fetchBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
  const response = await fetch('/.netlify/functions/hello-world').then(
    response => response.json()

  responseText.innerText = JSON.stringify(response)

What is "edge compute"?

To solve the latency problem, very smart folks came up with the idea of deploying multiple copies of a program and distributing it around the world. When a user makes a request, it can be handled by the closest copy, thus reducing the distance traveled and the time spent in transit.

Cloud = a server, somewhere;
Edge = a server, close to you;
Edge functions = serverless functions run at the Edge;

Edge functions without the database in the same place aren't providing meaningful improvements. Most data is not globally replicated. So running compute in many regions, which all connect to a us-east database, made no sense.

So what JS engines/runtimes do we have now?

For example, Cloudflare Workers provides a serverless execution environment that allows you to create new applications without configuring or maintaining infrastructure. Under the hood, the Workers runtime uses the V8 engine. The Workers runtime also implements many of the standard APIs available in most modern browsers. Rather than running on an individual’s machine, Workers functions run on Cloudflare’s Edge Network - a growing global network of thousands of machines distributed across hundreds of locations.

workerd is a JavaScript / Wasm server runtime based on the same code that powers Cloudflare Workers. The name "workerd" (pronounced "worker dee") comes from the Unix tradition of naming servers with a "-d" suffix standing for "daemon". A daemon is a background, non-interactive program. It is detached from the keyboard and display of any interactive user. The name is not capitalized because it is a program name, which are traditionally lower-case in Unix-like environments.

Read more about The Edge: