2022 is a bit tough for many of us. The pandemic disturbed many people's life. The Chinese internet industry is not that prosperous in the year: many companies layoffs and many people are unemployed, many game projects were aborted due to suspended issued publishing licenses, many companies' share prices fell, and so on. I was infected with COVID-19 at the end of 2022 and suffered from fever, body aches, and fatigue for a week.
Anyway, It's worth celebrating at the beginning of 2023 as I'm still alive, I still have a job, and I've done some meaningful work in the year. We still hope that the world will be better and that all wishes come true.
I finished some of the new year's resolutions for 2022.
On weekends, I usually spend time reading tech books.
This year I spent lots of time doing LeetCode, basically every day.
Now I've done 912 exercises, I think it might be a small achievement that's not very easy to achieve. Doing LeetCode has somewhat improved my coding skill and logical mind. it's a good habit that's worth keeping up.
English learning is not easy. I've spent plenty of time learning English, including memorizing words and practicing listening and speaking. I insist on memorizing words every day this year and until now, I've used Baicizhan to insist on memorizing words for 1709 days.
I also spent lots of time on Open Language to practice listening and speaking. It helped a lot at the beginning, but now I feel it doesn't help much. I think I've hit the English learning plateau.
In addition to English learning, I've been learning Japanese on Duolingo. I didn't spend much time on that, basically two units a day. It's just for fun.
This year I didn't create much work in my spare time. I intended to use C++ to write a VPN software, but I only completed the most basic feature and have not released an initial version. I just had some sporadic commit records on Github.
The happiest thing is that I've had a good time with the people I love. Thanks for her company to make me no longer feel lonely.
Not long ago I revisited My Life as McDull (麦兜故事), a famous Hongkong film I watched when I was a kid. But I didn't understand its profound central idea at that age. I love what it said at the ending:
Roasted chicken is easy to cook. The material is a chicken; the method is to take a chicken and roast it, and then it's done. If you want it to be delicious, the secret is to cook it better.
Well, life might be a simple process from birth to death. It's simple, but it also can be complicated if you want. If you want it to be beautiful, the secret is to be positive and try to make it better.
Although we might be going to face challenges in 2023, we still believe that good things are about to happen. Happy New Year to us.