
title: "[Algorithm] Majority Problem" date: 2022-03-25 19:27:00 tags:

- algorithm

Majority Problem

{% raw %} $$ \boxed{@} % Color % \newcommand\c[2]{\textcolor{#1}{#2}} \newcommand\r[1]{\textcolor{red}{#1}} \newcommand\g[1]{\textcolor{green}{#1}} \newcommand\b[1]{\textcolor{blue}{#1}} \newcommand\red[1]{\textcolor{red}{#1}} \newcommand\blue[1]{\textcolor{blue}{#1}} \newcommand\green[1]{\textcolor{green}{#1}} \newcommand\black[1]{\textcolor{black}{#1}} \newcommand\white[1]{\textcolor{white}{#1}} \newcommand\cyan[1]{\textcolor{cyan}{#1}} \newcommand\magenta[1]{\textcolor{magenta}{#1}} \newcommand\yellow[1]{\textcolor{yellow}{#1}} \newcommand\orange[1]{\textcolor{orange}{#1}} \newcommand\lime[1]{\textcolor{lime}{#1}} \newcommand\pink[1]{\textcolor{pink}{#1}} \newcommand\darkgray[1]{\textcolor{darkgray}{#1}} \newcommand\gray[1]{\textcolor{gray}{#1}} \newcommand\lightgray[1]{\textcolor{lightgray}{#1}} \newcommand\brown[1]{\textcolor{brown}{#1}} \newcommand\olive[1]{\textcolor{olive}{#1}} \newcommand\purple[1]{\textcolor{purple}{#1}} \newcommand\teal[1]{\textcolor{teal}{#1}} \newcommand\violet[1]{\textcolor{violet}{#1}} \newcommand\hotpink[1]{\textcolor{hotpink}{#1}} \newcommand\blueviolet[1]{\textcolor{blueviolet}{#1}} \newcommand\navyblue[1]{\textcolor{navyblue}{#1}} \newcommand\peach[1]{\textcolor{Peach}{#1}} \newcommand\orangeRed[1]{\textcolor{OrangeRed}{#1}} \newcommand\salmon[1]{\textcolor{Salmon}{#1}} \newcommand\skyblue[1]{\textcolor{SkyBlue}{#1}} \newcommand\springreen[1]{\textcolor{SpringGreen}{#1}} \newcommand\aqua[1]{\textcolor{aqua}{#1}} \newcommand\navy[1]{\textcolor{navy}{#1}} \newcommand\silver[1]{\textcolor{silver}{#1}} \newcommand\fuchsia[1]{\textcolor{fuchsia}{#1}} \newcommand\maroon[1]{\textcolor{maroon}{#1}} \definecolor{luo}{RGB}{102,204,255} \definecolor{miku}{RGB}{57,197,187} \newcommand\luo[1]{\textcolor{luo}{#1}} \newcommand\miku[1]{\textcolor{miku}{#1}}

% Typography % \newcommand\a[1]{\begin{aligned}#1\end{aligned}} \newcommand\t[1]{\text{#1}} \newcommand\lb[1]{\left{\begin{aligned} #1 \end{aligned}\right.} \newcommand\rb[1]{\left.\begin{aligned} #1 \end{aligned}\right}} \newcommand\env[2]{\begin{#1}#2\end{#1}}

% Misc % \newcommand\s[1]{{#1}} \newcommand\qed{\quad\square} \newcommand\define{\dot{=}} \newcommand\then{\implies} \newcommand\rounddown[1]{\lfloor{#1}\rfloor} \newcommand\roundup[1]{\lceil{#1}\rceil} \newcommand\graph[4]{#1 = (#2, #3) \quad |#2| = #4} \newcommand\G{G = (V, E) \quad |V| = n} \newcommand\so{\therefore} \newcommand\comment[1]{\quad\text{(#1)}} \newcommand\note[1]{\quad\text{(#1)}} \newcommand\bt[1]{\boxed{\text{#1}}} \newcommand\max[1]{\textbf{ max } {#1} } \newcommand\min[1]{\textbf{ min } {#1} } \newcommand\IF{\textbf{ IF }} \newcommand\if{\textbf{ if }} \newcommand\IS{\textbf{ IS }} \newcommand\is{\textbf{ is }} \newcommand\but{\textbf{ but }} \newcommand\however{\textbf{ however }} \newcommand\AND{\textbf{ AND }} \newcommand\OR{\textbf{ OR }} \newcommand\NOT{\textbf{ NOT }} \newcommand\THEN{\textbf{ THEN }} \newcommand\IN{\textbf{ IN }} \newcommand\NOTIN{\textbf{ NOT-IN }} \newcommand\assume{\textbf{ Assuming that: }} \newcommand\contradictory{\textbf{ Thus lead to contradiction }} \newcommand\proof{\textbf{Proof: }} \newcommand\st{\text{ such that }} \newcommand\hold{\text{ holds }} \newcommand\lhs{\text{ LHS }} \newcommand\rhs{\text{ RHS }} \newcommand\wlg{\text{ Without loss of generality }} \newcommand\nb{\text{ nota bene }} \newcommand\analogously{\text{ analogously }} \newcommand\viceversa{\textbf{ viceversa }} \newcommand\let{\textbf{ let }} \newcommand\as{\textbf{ as }} \newcommand\for{\textbf{ As for }} \newcommand\select{\textbf{ SELECT }} \newcommand\m[1]{\mathit{#1}} \newcommand+[1]{\mathcal{#1}} \newcommand\warnning[1]{\colorbox{Blue}{\textcolor{Yellow}{#1}}} \newcommand\error[1]{\colorbox{Black}{\textcolor{White}{#1}}} $$

{% endraw %}



给定含有 n 个元素的多重集合 S,每个元素在 S 中出现的次数称为该元素的重数。多重

集 S 中重数最大的元素称为众数。


多重集 S 的众数是 2,其重数为 3。


输入数据由文件名为 input.txt 的文本文件提供。

文件的第 1 行多重集 S 中元素个数 n;接下来的 n 行中,每行有一个自然数。


程序运行结束时,将计算结果输出到文件 output.txt 中。输出文件有 2 行,第 1 行给

出众数,第 2 行是重数













Solution 1 (HashMap)






    public static Pair<Integer, Integer> getMajority(int[] nums, int L, int R) {

        HashMap<Integer, Integer> counter = new HashMap<>();
        for (int num : nums) {
            counter.put(num, counter.getOrDefault(num, 0) + 1);

        int majorityKey = 0xdead;
        int majorityValue = -1;
        for (int key : counter.keySet()) {
            if (counter.get(key) > majorityValue) {
                majorityKey = key;
                majorityValue = counter.get(key);

        return new Pair<>(majorityKey, majorityValue);


Current Case: MODE1.in & MODE1.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [1, 5]
Your     Output: [1, 5]
Time Cost: 0.335700 ms (335700 ns)
Current Case: MODE10.in & MODE10.out
Expected  Input: [1234567, Omit the remaining 1234567 lines...]
Expected Output: [47527, 38]
Your     Output: [47527, 38]
Time Cost: 84.643900 ms (84643900 ns)
Current Case: MODE11.in & MODE11.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [1, 6]
Your     Output: [1, 6]
Time Cost: 0.025400 ms (25400 ns)
Current Case: MODE12.in & MODE12.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [2, 5]
Your     Output: [2, 5]
Time Cost: 0.013600 ms (13600 ns)
Current Case: MODE13.in & MODE13.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [2, 4]
Your     Output: [2, 4]
Time Cost: 0.011000 ms (11000 ns)
Current Case: MODE14.in & MODE14.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [2, 4]
Your     Output: [2, 4]
Time Cost: 0.010100 ms (10100 ns)
Current Case: MODE15.in & MODE15.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 9 lines...]
Expected Output: [3, 4]
Your     Output: [3, 4]
Time Cost: 0.010300 ms (10300 ns)
Current Case: MODE2.in & MODE2.out
Expected  Input: [50, Omit the remaining 50 lines...]
Expected Output: [3, 8]
Your     Output: [3, 8]
Time Cost: 0.026100 ms (26100 ns)
Current Case: MODE3.in & MODE3.out
Expected  Input: [100, Omit the remaining 100 lines...]
Expected Output: [28, 9]
Your     Output: [28, 9]
Time Cost: 0.035500 ms (35500 ns)
Current Case: MODE4.in & MODE4.out
Expected  Input: [500, Omit the remaining 500 lines...]
Expected Output: [17, 8]
Your     Output: [17, 8]
Time Cost: 0.128000 ms (128000 ns)
Current Case: MODE5.in & MODE5.out
Expected  Input: [10000, Omit the remaining 10000 lines...]
Expected Output: [152, 11]
Your     Output: [152, 11]
Time Cost: 3.114500 ms (3114500 ns)
Current Case: MODE6.in & MODE6.out
Expected  Input: [50000, Omit the remaining 50000 lines...]
Expected Output: [1507, 11]
Your     Output: [1507, 11]
Time Cost: 9.872700 ms (9872700 ns)
Current Case: MODE7.in & MODE7.out
Expected  Input: [500000, Omit the remaining 500000 lines...]
Expected Output: [62872, 23]
Your     Output: [62872, 23]
Time Cost: 26.197800 ms (26197800 ns)
Current Case: MODE8.in & MODE8.out
Expected  Input: [1000000, Omit the remaining 1000000 lines...]
Expected Output: [15875, 34]
Your     Output: [15875, 34]
Time Cost: 47.612200 ms (47612200 ns)
Current Case: MODE9.in & MODE9.out
Expected  Input: [1234567, Omit the remaining 1234567 lines...]
Expected Output: [44678, 42]
Your     Output: [44678, 42]
Time Cost: 46.967400 ms (46967400 ns)
Result Statistics: √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Solution 2 (Sort + Two-Way Divided)







Case1: 最终解的众数仅从某一半已排序数组之中产生(该众数没有越过分割点)

如 (1 1 1 1 1) (2 2 2 2 3) -> majority = 1, count = 5




(1 1 1 1 1) (2 2 2 2 2) 对于这种情况,我们可以任意其中一半的已排序数组作为胜出(因为这题我们只要得出1个众数即可,即使输入数据存在多个众数)

如果 前一半已排序数组中产生的众数 = 后一半已排序数组中产生的众数,那么很明显没有任何其他数可以打败这个众数,因此这个众数就是 整个已排序数组的众数。

        Pair<Integer, Integer> majority1 = getMajority(nums, L, M);
        Pair<Integer, Integer> majority2 = getMajority(nums, M, R);

        if (Objects.equals(majority1.key, majority2.key))
            return new Pair<>(majority1.key, majority1.value + majority2.value);
Case2: 最终解的众数来自某一半已排序数组(且该众数越过分割点)

如 (1 1 1 1 1) (1 2 2 2 3) -> majority = 1, count = 6

和 (1 1 1 1 2) (2 2 2 2 3) -> majority = 2, count = 5







请注意,对于这种情况,我们仅仅是通过upperBound-lowerBound来算出处于中点附近的那个数(我们称为候选数)的出现次数。但是有可能这个 候选数 并不是 整个已排序数组的众数。

你可以想象到,这个数只是恰好出现在 中点附近,被分割开。所以我们需要合并它出现的次数,已获得它在整个已排序数组中正确的出现次数。(但这不意味着这个数就是整个已排序数组的众数)

            if (majority1.key == nums[M]) {
                int extra = upperBound(nums, M, R, majority1.key) - M;
                majority1.value += extra;
            } else if (majority2.key == nums[M - 1]) {
                int extra = M - lowerBound(nums, L, M, majority2.key) - 1;
                majority2.value += extra;
Case3: 最终解的众数来自两个已排序数组(很显然该众数越过分割点)

如:(1 1 1 3 3) (3 3 2 2 2) -> majority = 3, count = 4

对于这种情况,这整个已排序数组的众数并不是前半个已排序数组所产生的众数 majority1,也不是后半个已排序数组所产生的众数 majority2。

而是,我们在发现中点两侧的元素值相同时(很显然,如果中点两侧的元素值不同,那么这个元素就不可能通过联合打败 majority1majority2),则尝试检查这个元素是否能通过合并前后两半已排序数组中自己的出现次数来分别打败 前一半已排序数组所产生的众数 majority1后一半已排序数组所产生的众数 majority2

            if (nums[M - 1] == nums[M]) {
                int lower = lowerBound(nums, L, M, nums[M]);
                int upper = upperBound(nums, M, R, nums[M]);
                int amount = upper - lower - 1;
                Pair<Integer, Integer> majority3 = new Pair<>(nums[M], amount);
                if (majority3.value > majority1.value && majority3.value > majority2.value) {
                    return majority3;


Auxiliary Functions

 * Return the first element that greater than the bound in [L, R)
 * if not found, return array.length
// (1 1 2) -> (1) (1 2) -> lower = 0, upper = 1
// 1 1 2 2 2 2 3
public static int upperBound(int[] nums, int L, int R, int bound) {
    if (nums[R - 1] == bound) return R;
    while (R - L > 1) {
        int M = L + (R - L) / 2;
        if (nums[M] <= bound) L = M;
        else if (nums[M] > bound) R = M;
    return R;

 * if not found, return -1
public static int lowerBound(int[] nums, int L, int R, int bound) {
    if (nums[L] == bound) return -1;
    while (R - L > 1) {
        int M = L + (R - L) / 2;
        if (nums[M] < bound) L = M;
        else if (nums[M] >= bound) R = M;
    return L;


    public static Pair<Integer, Integer> getMajority(int[] nums, int L, int R) {
        // Case1: (1 1 1 1 1) (2 2 2 2 3) -> majority = 1, count = 5
        // Case2: (1 1 1 1 1) (1 2 2 2 3) -> majority = 1, count = 6
        // Case3: (1 1 1 1 2) (2 2 2 2 3) -> majority = 2, count = 5
        // Case4: (1 1 1 3 3) (3 3 2 2 2) -> majority = 3, count = 4

        /* Base Case */
        if (L == R) return new Pair<>(0xdead, 0);
        if (R - L == 1) return new Pair<>(nums[L], 1);

        /* Recursive Case */
        int M = L + (R - L) / 2;
        Pair<Integer, Integer> majority1 = getMajority(nums, L, M);
        Pair<Integer, Integer> majority2 = getMajority(nums, M, R);

        /* Case1: the majority number of 2 parts are the same. */
        if (Objects.equals(majority1.key, majority2.key))
            return new Pair<>(majority1.key, majority1.value + majority2.value);
        else {
            /* Case2, Case3, Case4 */
            if (majority1.key == nums[M]) {
                // Case2
                int extra = upperBound(nums, M, R, majority1.key) - M;
                majority1.value += extra;
            } else if (majority2.key == nums[M - 1]) {
                // Case3
                int extra = M - lowerBound(nums, L, M, majority2.key) - 1;
                majority2.value += extra;
            } else if (nums[M - 1] == nums[M]) {
                // Case4
                int lower = lowerBound(nums, L, M, nums[M]);
                int upper = upperBound(nums, M, R, nums[M]);
                int amount = upper - lower - 1;
//                System.out.println("num = " + nums[M] + " amount = " + amount);
                Pair<Integer, Integer> majority3 = new Pair<>(nums[M], amount);

                // Can we just union and beat majority1 and majority2 ?
                // Be careful, if majority1 or majority2 equals to majority3, we'll choose the latter one.
                // (1 1 2 2) (2 3 3 3 3) -> majority = 3, count = 4
                // (1 1 2 2 2) (2 3 3 3 3) -> majority = 3, count = 4 (majority = 2, count = 4 is also correct)
                if (majority3.value > majority1.value && majority3.value > majority2.value) {
                    return majority3;
            // Just need to compare the majority1 and majority2
            return majority1.value > majority2.value ? majority1 : majority2;


Current Case: MODE1.in & MODE1.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [1, 5]
Your     Output: [1, 5]
Time Cost: 0.290600 ms (290600 ns)
Current Case: MODE10.in & MODE10.out
Expected  Input: [1234567, Omit the remaining 1234567 lines...]
Expected Output: [47527, 38]
Your     Output: [49879, 38]
Time Cost: 169.661600 ms (169661600 ns)
Wrong Answer.
Current Case: MODE11.in & MODE11.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [1, 6]
Your     Output: [1, 6]
Time Cost: 0.003900 ms (3900 ns)
Current Case: MODE12.in & MODE12.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [2, 5]
Your     Output: [2, 5]
Time Cost: 0.003500 ms (3500 ns)
Current Case: MODE13.in & MODE13.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [2, 4]
Your     Output: [2, 4]
Time Cost: 0.003400 ms (3400 ns)
Current Case: MODE14.in & MODE14.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [2, 4]
Your     Output: [3, 4]
Time Cost: 0.002500 ms (2500 ns)
Wrong Answer.
Current Case: MODE15.in & MODE15.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 9 lines...]
Expected Output: [3, 4]
Your     Output: [3, 4]
Time Cost: 0.040600 ms (40600 ns)
Current Case: MODE2.in & MODE2.out
Expected  Input: [50, Omit the remaining 50 lines...]
Expected Output: [3, 8]
Your     Output: [3, 8]
Time Cost: 0.021600 ms (21600 ns)
Current Case: MODE3.in & MODE3.out
Expected  Input: [100, Omit the remaining 100 lines...]
Expected Output: [28, 9]
Your     Output: [28, 9]
Time Cost: 0.037600 ms (37600 ns)
Current Case: MODE4.in & MODE4.out
Expected  Input: [500, Omit the remaining 500 lines...]
Expected Output: [17, 8]
Your     Output: [29, 8]
Time Cost: 0.329700 ms (329700 ns)
Wrong Answer.
Current Case: MODE5.in & MODE5.out
Expected  Input: [10000, Omit the remaining 10000 lines...]
Expected Output: [152, 11]
Your     Output: [152, 11]
Time Cost: 1.173000 ms (1173000 ns)
Current Case: MODE6.in & MODE6.out
Expected  Input: [50000, Omit the remaining 50000 lines...]
Expected Output: [1507, 11]
Your     Output: [13432, 11]
Time Cost: 6.893800 ms (6893800 ns)
Wrong Answer.
Current Case: MODE7.in & MODE7.out
Expected  Input: [500000, Omit the remaining 500000 lines...]
Expected Output: [62872, 23]
Your     Output: [62872, 23]
Time Cost: 46.909500 ms (46909500 ns)
Current Case: MODE8.in & MODE8.out
Expected  Input: [1000000, Omit the remaining 1000000 lines...]
Expected Output: [15875, 34]
Your     Output: [15875, 34]
Time Cost: 103.301900 ms (103301900 ns)
Current Case: MODE9.in & MODE9.out
Expected  Input: [1234567, Omit the remaining 1234567 lines...]
Expected Output: [44678, 42]
Your     Output: [44678, 42]
Time Cost: 108.699100 ms (108699100 ns)
Result Statistics: √ × √ √ √ × √ √ √ × √ × √ √ √

注: 部分案例出现Wrong Answer是由于解法仅要求找出1个众数,所以对重数相同的众数的选择是任意的。


由于该解法需要对原始数组进行预处理: 排序后再进行分治法,其效率可能会比较低。(而且递归过程中创建对象所消耗的代价较大)

Solution 3 (Sort + Three-Way Divided)


采用类似QuickSort的方法,但将原始数组 先进行排序,然后从中间进行划分为3个部分:

  1. Part1 = {x | x < pivot}
  2. Part2 = {x | x = pivot}
  3. Part3 = {x | x > pivot}


很显然,如果Part2.size() > Part1.size() && Part2.size() > Part3.size(),那么pivot的值就是整个已排序数组所产生的众数





    public static Pair<Integer, Integer> getMajority(int[] nums, int L, int R) {
        /* Base Case */
        // R - L = {0, 1}
        if (R - L <= 1) return new Pair<>(nums[L], 1);

        /* Recursive Case */
        int M = L + (R - L) / 2;
        int M_Value = nums[M];

        int lowerBound = M, upperBound = M;
        while (lowerBound >= 0 && nums[lowerBound] == M_Value) lowerBound--;
        while (upperBound < nums.length && nums[upperBound] == M_Value) upperBound++;

        int M_Count = upperBound - lowerBound - 1;
        Pair<Integer, Integer> majorityMiddle = new Pair<>(M_Value, M_Count);

        // Anyway, Part2 will always win !
        if (M_Count >= (lowerBound - L + 1) && M_Count >= (R - upperBound)) return majorityMiddle;

        // Ok, we should choose the largest one among Part1, Part2 and Part3.
        Pair<Integer, Integer> majorityLeft = getMajority(nums, L, lowerBound + 1);
        Pair<Integer, Integer> majorityRight = getMajority(nums, upperBound, R);
        if (M_Count >= majorityLeft.value && M_Count >= majorityRight.value) return majorityMiddle;
        else return majorityLeft.value > majorityRight.value ? majorityLeft : majorityRight;


Current Case: MODE1.in & MODE1.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [1, 5]
Your     Output: [1, 5]
Time Cost: 0.226700 ms (226700 ns)
Current Case: MODE10.in & MODE10.out
Expected  Input: [1234567, Omit the remaining 1234567 lines...]
Expected Output: [47527, 38]
Your     Output: [49879, 38]
Time Cost: 165.034000 ms (165034000 ns)
Wrong Answer.
Current Case: MODE11.in & MODE11.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [1, 6]
Your     Output: [1, 6]
Time Cost: 0.003500 ms (3500 ns)
Current Case: MODE12.in & MODE12.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [2, 5]
Your     Output: [2, 5]
Time Cost: 0.002500 ms (2500 ns)
Current Case: MODE13.in & MODE13.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [2, 4]
Your     Output: [2, 4]
Time Cost: 0.003200 ms (3200 ns)
Current Case: MODE14.in & MODE14.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 lines...]
Expected Output: [2, 4]
Your     Output: [2, 4]
Time Cost: 0.002800 ms (2800 ns)
Current Case: MODE15.in & MODE15.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 9 lines...]
Expected Output: [3, 4]
Your     Output: [3, 4]
Time Cost: 0.042700 ms (42700 ns)
Current Case: MODE2.in & MODE2.out
Expected  Input: [50, Omit the remaining 50 lines...]
Expected Output: [3, 8]
Your     Output: [3, 8]
Time Cost: 0.024600 ms (24600 ns)
Current Case: MODE3.in & MODE3.out
Expected  Input: [100, Omit the remaining 100 lines...]
Expected Output: [28, 9]
Your     Output: [28, 9]
Time Cost: 0.026300 ms (26300 ns)
Current Case: MODE4.in & MODE4.out
Expected  Input: [500, Omit the remaining 500 lines...]
Expected Output: [17, 8]
Your     Output: [29, 8]
Time Cost: 0.174600 ms (174600 ns)
Wrong Answer.
Current Case: MODE5.in & MODE5.out
Expected  Input: [10000, Omit the remaining 10000 lines...]
Expected Output: [152, 11]
Your     Output: [152, 11]
Time Cost: 4.243100 ms (4243100 ns)
Current Case: MODE6.in & MODE6.out
Expected  Input: [50000, Omit the remaining 50000 lines...]
Expected Output: [1507, 11]
Your     Output: [13432, 11]
Time Cost: 6.618700 ms (6618700 ns)
Wrong Answer.
Current Case: MODE7.in & MODE7.out
Expected  Input: [500000, Omit the remaining 500000 lines...]
Expected Output: [62872, 23]
Your     Output: [62872, 23]
Time Cost: 38.010200 ms (38010200 ns)
Current Case: MODE8.in & MODE8.out
Expected  Input: [1000000, Omit the remaining 1000000 lines...]
Expected Output: [15875, 34]
Your     Output: [15875, 34]
Time Cost: 73.012900 ms (73012900 ns)
Current Case: MODE9.in & MODE9.out
Expected  Input: [1234567, Omit the remaining 1234567 lines...]
Expected Output: [44678, 42]
Your     Output: [44678, 42]
Time Cost: 86.186500 ms (86186500 ns)
Result Statistics: √ × √ √ √ √ √ √ √ × √ × √ √ √

Solution 4 (Three-Way QuickSort)


在前面所提到的 分治法 中,都需要对 原始数组 进行 排序

但实际上,我们可以将 排序寻找众数 的过程 同时进行

我们之前所提的 需要预排序的二分法需要预排序的三分法 之所以需要 排序

是因为我们 某个数字 可能 零散地分布原始数组各个角落,这将使得 我们的分治方法 必须 把相同的数字聚集在一起,否则将无法 统计 该数字的出现次数

实际上,如果仅仅是为了 寻找众数,我们并不需要使得 原始数组完全地有序的

当我们发现,在对某个区间的某个元素 进行 3向划分之后,该元素的出现次数 大于 该区间的长度的一半

那么显然,该元素 必定就是 该区间众数。我们就没有必要再对 该区间的其余部分 继续进行 划分

设想,如果对于 任意给定的数组,我们可以 使得该数组中某个数字 进行 聚集,然后求得 该数字的出现次数

那么,我们可以采用 摩尔投票法 (Moore Voting Method) 的思想:

在对 指定的数字 进行 划分 之后,我们可以获得以下 信息


package Lab3;

import util.Judger;

import java.util.Scanner;

 * @author Teeth
 * @date 3/12/2022 07:48
public class MajoritySolver_QuickSort {

    public static class Node {

        public int majority;
        public int count;
        public int left_index;
        public int right_index;
        public int lower_bound;
        public int upper_bound;

        public Node(int majority, int count, int left_index, int right_index, int lower_bound, int upper_bound) {
            this.majority = majority;
            this.count = count;
            this.left_index = left_index;
            this.right_index = right_index;
            this.lower_bound = lower_bound;
            this.upper_bound = upper_bound;

        public Node(int left_index, int right_index) {
            this.left_index = left_index;
            this.right_index = right_index;


    private static final Judger judger = new Judger(".\\Cases\\Lab3\\MAJORITY").disablePrettyFormat().redirectErrorToErrorFile().setMaxExpectInputLines(1);

    public static void swap(int[] nums, int i, int j) {
        int temp = nums[i];
        nums[i] = nums[j];
        nums[j] = temp;

    [left_index..left_bound-1] < majority
    [left_bound..right_bound] = majority
    [right_bound+1..right_index] > majority
    array = 2 2 3 5 3 5 1 2 3 4
    public static Node partition(int[] nums, int left_index, int right_index) {
        int lower_bound = left_index;
        int upper_bound = right_index;
        int i = left_index + 1;

        while (i <= upper_bound) {
            // n.b. we use [lower_bound..upper_bound] to present x = majority
            if (nums[i] < nums[lower_bound]) {
                swap(nums, lower_bound++, i++);
            } else if (nums[i] > nums[lower_bound]) {
                // n.b. index i should not be incremented
                swap(nums, upper_bound--, i);
            } else i++;

        /* Construct node */
        return new Node(nums[lower_bound], upper_bound - lower_bound + 1, left_index, right_index, lower_bound, upper_bound);

    public static Node quickSort(int[] nums, int left_index, int right_index) {

        if (left_index < right_index) {
            Node split = partition(nums, left_index, right_index);
            int majority_nums_count = split.upper_bound - split.lower_bound + 1;
            int left_nums_count = split.lower_bound - split.left_index;
            int right_nums_count = split.right_index - split.upper_bound;

            // n.b. select strategy: non-strict partial order
            // n.b. use MOORE VOTING METHOD here!
            if ((majority_nums_count >= left_nums_count && majority_nums_count >= right_nums_count)) {
                return new Node(nums[split.lower_bound], majority_nums_count, split.left_index, split.right_index, split.lower_bound, split.upper_bound);
            } else {
                Node left_nums_node = quickSort(nums, left_index, split.lower_bound - 1);
                Node right_nums_node = quickSort(nums, split.upper_bound + 1, right_index);

                // n.b. select strategy: non-strict partial order
                Node winner = left_nums_node.count >= right_nums_node.count ? left_nums_node : right_nums_node;
                winner = winner.count >= split.count ? winner : split;
                return winner;

        // empty node
        return new Node(left_index, right_index);

    public static Node getMajority(int[] nums, int begin, int end) {
        return quickSort(nums, begin, end - 1);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for (Scanner scanner : judger) {
            // Skip the first line.
            int capacity = scanner.nextInt();

            // Read the numbers.
            int[] nums = new int[capacity];
            for (int i = 0; scanner.hasNextInt(); i++) {
                nums[i] = scanner.nextInt();

            // call the algorithm
            Node node = getMajority(nums, 0, nums.length);

            // Output


Current Case: MODE1.in & MODE1.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [1, 5]
Your     Output: [1, 5]
Time Cost: 0.045200 ms (45200 ns)
Current Case: MODE10.in & MODE10.out
Expected  Input: [1234567, Omit the remaining 1234567 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [47527, 38]
Your     Output: [47527, 38]
Time Cost: 104.330000 ms (104330000 ns)
Current Case: MODE11.in & MODE11.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [1, 6]
Your     Output: [1, 6]
Time Cost: 0.001100 ms (1100 ns)
Current Case: MODE12.in & MODE12.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [2, 5]
Your     Output: [2, 5]
Time Cost: 0.001000 ms (1000 ns)
Current Case: MODE13.in & MODE13.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [2, 4]
Your     Output: [2, 4]
Time Cost: 0.000901 ms (901 ns)
Current Case: MODE14.in & MODE14.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 10 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [2, 4]
Your     Output: [2, 4]
Time Cost: 0.001200 ms (1200 ns)
Current Case: MODE15.in & MODE15.out
Expected  Input: [10, Omit the remaining 9 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [3, 4]
Your     Output: [3, 4]
Time Cost: 0.001101 ms (1101 ns)
Current Case: MODE2.in & MODE2.out
Expected  Input: [50, Omit the remaining 50 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [3, 8]
Your     Output: [3, 8]
Time Cost: 0.002099 ms (2099 ns)
Current Case: MODE3.in & MODE3.out
Expected  Input: [100, Omit the remaining 100 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [28, 9]
Your     Output: [28, 9]
Time Cost: 0.004400 ms (4400 ns)
Current Case: MODE4.in & MODE4.out
Expected  Input: [500, Omit the remaining 500 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [17, 8]
Your     Output: [29, 8]
Time Cost: 0.029600 ms (29600 ns)
Wrong Answer.
Current Case: MODE5.in & MODE5.out
Expected  Input: [10000, Omit the remaining 10000 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [152, 11]
Your     Output: [152, 11]
Time Cost: 0.564300 ms (564300 ns)
Current Case: MODE6.in & MODE6.out
Expected  Input: [50000, Omit the remaining 50000 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [1507, 11]
Your     Output: [1507, 11]
Time Cost: 3.741200 ms (3741200 ns)
Current Case: MODE7.in & MODE7.out
Expected  Input: [500000, Omit the remaining 500000 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [62872, 23]
Your     Output: [62872, 23]
Time Cost: 37.026301 ms (37026301 ns)
Current Case: MODE8.in & MODE8.out
Expected  Input: [1000000, Omit the remaining 1000000 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [15875, 34]
Your     Output: [15875, 34]
Time Cost: 71.459100 ms (71459100 ns)
Current Case: MODE9.in & MODE9.out
Expected  Input: [1234567, Omit the remaining 1234567 line(s)...]
Expected Output: [44678, 42]
Your     Output: [44678, 42]
Time Cost: 83.852201 ms (83852201 ns)
Result Statistics: √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ × √ √ √ √ √