
title: "Atypical: Season 4 Episode 1 Transcript" categories: Language updated: comments: true

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一时兴起的听写, 不保证对. 听了个开头 (然后看完了), Sam 的台词最容易听.

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Sam (Narrator): In the beginning of a journey, no one knows what to expect.

Doug: You have some drafty windows and the bathroom door sticks. But otherwise, it's okay. I'm proud of you.

Elsa: Your own place. I can't believe it. Look at you. You're so grown up. You could be twenty.

Sam (Narrator): Sure they might have a vague idea that the road ahead might be rough.

Doug: How are the smoke alarms? Are they up to date? Can never be sure for these old buildings.

Sam: Double checking the safety precaution was a whole section of my moving checklist. We have new smoke alarms, first-aid kits, and an axe.

Elsa: An axe?

Sam: In case of fire. It belongs to Zahid's uncle who was the first ever Indian lumberjack from Vermont. They call him the Maple Syrup Swami.

Elsa: An axe?

Sam (Narrator): But no one sets off on expedition thinking: in four months I'll have a crippling case of scurvy (坏血病), and be forced to eat a sled dog.

Elsa: And this is where you can sit when we talk on Facetime every night.

Sam: Every night?

Elsa: I talk myself down from three times a day. So that is my best and final offer.

Doug: You want us to stick around to help you to set up?

Sam: No, thank you. Edison's had a big day. We need quiet.

Elsa: Okay. You wanna hold on to these boxes just in case?

Sam: No. Why? You can throw them away. There is a dumpster (大垃圾桶) out front. It's green, and someone named Dogface painted their name on it.

A dumpster is a movable waste container designed to be brought and taken away by a special collection vehicle, or to a bin that a specially designed garbage truck lifts, empties into its hopper, and lowers, on the spot. The word is a generic trademark of Dumpster, an American brand name for a specific design.

因为不明性别所以用 their, 可以参考 Welcome, singular "they". 翻译的时候也避免假定性别, 翻译为 "自己的 (名字)", 可以参考 联合国性别包容性语言. 本集中后面也出现了学校性别协会.

Elsa: Okie doke.

Sam: You can go.

Elsa: You are not allowed to make fun of me for crying.

Elsa 讲得真的好快, ruaruarua 就过去了 orz

Doug: Same to you.

Sam (Narrator): That's what makes the new beginning so exciting. You don't know what will happen util it's over.


Zahid: Here it comes.

Sam: Shh...

Zahid: I'm so excited.

Sam: Quite.

Zahid 吹喇叭

Sam: Loud.

Zahid: Sorry.

Sam (Narrator): Beginnings can be painful.

Zahid: But dude, twelve eight am.

Sam (Narrator): But that doesn't mean they're bad.

Sam: I did it. I've officially stayed in our new apartment later than I've ever stayed anywhere.

Paige: Did I miss it? Did I miss twelve eight?

Sam: No, you are here just in the nick of time.

Paige: Oh, god.

Zahid: You look pretty fly in that union suit Paige.

"to look fly" is slang that means "to look cool or attractive".

Piage: Oh thanks. [没听清楚] Sam, congratulations.

Sam: Thank you.

Paige: I brought you something. It's a money tree. It brings good luck and prosperity. I was thinking you could put it in your room at the spot right next to Edison's tank. It's great sun. It'll be the richest turtle in town.

Sam: Okay.

Paige; And it's an easy plant too. Just three quarters a cup of water every four days, and maybe some seaweed based plant food once a week, and just keep rotating of course.

Zahid: I'll help. I once had a plant survive for two months purely on Mountain Dew.

真有这种操作, Will my plants grow faster if I water them with Mountain Dew? : shittyaskscience

Paige: You know what? Never mind. I'll just come by and take care of it myself.

Sam: Good. I've got enough to do finishing all the items on my moving cheklist.

Zahid: Oh I'll take a few of those off your hand. Least I can do as a roomie for another woomie (?). I'll make a copy of the key for emergencies, and switch over the power, and give your mom a really big huge.

Sam: That's not on the list.

Zahid: I added it.

重读强调了 I.

Paige: You guys do good. This place has really nice vibes.

Sam: One hundred years ago, it was a slaughter hourse.