
title: "Shell 脚本简要" categories: Language updated: 2022-10-13 comments: true

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学习目标: 能写简单脚本, 能看懂长一些的脚本. Shell 脚本不是开发语言, 难以 debug, 不适合写太长.

If you are writing a script that is more than 100 lines long, or that uses non-straightforward control flow logic, you should rewrite it in a more structured language now. Bear in mind that scripts grow. Rewrite your script early to avoid a more time-consuming rewrite at a later date. (Google Shell Style Guide)

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Hello world

1. 编写脚本

新建 hello_world 文件.


echo 'Hello world!'  # this is a comment

注释 的语法和 Python 单行注释相同, 当前行 # 后面的内容视为注释.

#! 开头的第一行称为 shebang, 告诉系统用什么解释器执行该脚本.

<details><summary><b>shebang 可以不写</b><font color="deepskyblue"> (Show more »)</font></summary> <p>以 <code>./hello_world</code> 执行时, usually the parent shell guesses that the script is written for the same shell (minimal Bourne-like shells run the script with <code>/bin/sh</code>, bash runs it as a bash subprocess). <font color="lightgrey">(The fact that a program can launch other programs is expressed in the process scheme as a <em>parent process</em> producing a <em>child process</em>.)</font></p> <p>另外也可以指定解释器执行, 比如 <code>bash hello_world</code>, <code>python main.py</code>.</p> <ul> <li><a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12296308/shell-script-working-fine-without-shebang-line-why">linux - Shell script working fine without shebang line? Why? - Stack Overflow</a></li> </ul></details><details><summary><b>sh, bash and dash</b><font color="deepskyblue"> (Show more »)</font></summary> <p>The name "bash" is an acronym for "Bourne Again SHell", a reference to the fact <code>bash</code> is an enhanced replacement for <code>sh</code>, the original Unix shell program written by Steve Bourne.</p> <p>注意现在一般 <code>/bin/sh</code> 软链接到 dash 而不是 bash (以前是). 但默认的 login shell 还是 bash.</p> <ul> <li><a href="https://askubuntu.com/questions/141928/what-is-the-difference-between-bin-sh-and-bin-bash">scripts - What is the difference between #!/bin/sh and #!/bin/bash? - Ask Ubuntu</a></li> </ul></details>

2. 使文件可执行

$ chmod 755 hello_world

默认自己只有读写权限 (rw-). 注意可读权限是程序可执行的必要条件, 所以让别人可执行要给 5 (r-x).

3. 将文件放在 shell 可以找到的路径下

$ ./hello_world


$ hello_world

会报错. 因为如果不显式指定路径, shell 只在环境变量 PATH 所包含的路径下搜索可执行文件. PATH 默认包括了 /bin, 和 /home/me/bin (创建 ~/bin 目录后重启 shell, 系统一般会自动添加该路径到 PATH) 等.

<details><summary><b>Good Locations for Scripts</b><font color="deepskyblue"> (Show more »)</font></summary> <p>The <code>~/bin</code> directory is a good place to put scripts intended for personal use. If we write a script that everyone on a system is allowed to use, the traditional location is <code>/usr/local/bin</code>. Scripts intended for use by the system administrator are often located in <code>/usr/local/sbin</code>. In most cases, locally supplied software, whether scripts or compiled programs, should be placed in the <code>/usr/local</code> hierarchy and not in <code>/bin</code> or <code>/usr/bin</code>. These directories are specified by the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard to contain only files supplied and maintained by the Linux distributor.</p> <ul> <li>usr = User System Resources</li> <li>sbin: binaries with superuser (root) privileges required</li> <li><a href="https://askubuntu.com/questions/308045/differences-between-bin-sbin-usr-bin-usr-sbin-usr-local-bin-usr-local">command line - Differences between /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/sbin - Ask Ubuntu</a></li> </ul></details>


a=233 TITLE="System Information Report For $HOSTNAME"
d="$(ls -l foo.txt)"  # results of a command
# 可以写成 d=`ls -l foo.txt` 但不推荐
e=$((5 * 7))  # arithmetic expansion
f="\t\ta string\n"  # escape

echo "<html>
<details><summary><b>很少用的 declare</b><font color="deepskyblue"> (Show more »)</font></summary> <ul> <li>声明常量 <code>declare -r TITLE="Page Title"</code></li> <li>声明整数变量 <code>`declare -i</code></li> </ul></details>


$ foo=foo.txt
$ echo $foo1  # 什么都不会打印
$ echo ${foo}1

其中 $foo1 为空 (类似 None/null), 而不是空字符串. 写成 "$foo1" 保证是字符串.

Here documents


A here document is an additional form of I/O redirection in which we embed a body of text into our script and feed it into the standard input of a command.

command << token

where command is the name of command that accepts standard input and token is a string used to indicate the end of the embedded text. Note that the token must appear alone and that there must not be trailing spaces on the line. By default, single and double quotes within here documents lose their special meaning to the shell.

# 例子: cat > ~/foo << _EOF_
# 写成 cat <<- _EOF_ 则忽略 text 中开头的 tab (不忽略空格)
cat << _EOF_


两种写法. Deprecated, 见 这里

function name {


name () {

调用方法, 直接写 name, 不要加括号.



func () {
    local foo
    echo ${foo}


两种写法, 见 这里.


if [ "$x" -eq 5 -a ! \( -e "$y" \) ]; then
    echo "equal"
elif [ "$x" -lt 5 ]; then
    echo "less than"
    echo "greater than"

# 或者不写分号, 但是把 then 写在下一行
# 因为分号只是分隔命令用
# if [ ... ]
# then

Using the quotes around the parameter ensures that the operator is always followed by a string, even if the string is empty.

Exit status

Commands (including the scripts and shell functions we write) issue a value to the system when they terminate, called an exit status. This value, which is an integer in the range of 0 to 255 (没有负数, 一般 0 表示成功), indicates the success or failure of the command's execution.

执行命令后, 执行 $? 可得上一条命令的 exit status. shell 有两个 bulitin 命令 (不是变量), true 的 exit status 为 0, false 为 1.


The command used most frequently with if is test. 两种写法

test expression


[ expression ]

当 expression 为真时返回 exit status 0, 否则 1. 注意 test[ 都是命令 (后者参数以 ] 结尾, 也因此 [ 后与 ] 前需要空格).

下面详细的要查表, 随便列几个.

File expressions

String expressions

Integer expressions

Modern test

现代 bash 提供了下述语法 (推荐使用)

[[ expression ]]


string =~ regex


if [[ "$INT" =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]

其他可参考 这里.

Since all expressions and operators used by test are treated as command arguments by the shell (unlike [[]] and (( ))), characters that have special meaning to bash, such as <, >, (, and ), must be quoted or escaped.


test [[]] and (())
AND -a &&
OR -o ` `
NOT ! !

此外 shell 本身可以用 && 或者 || 拼接命令, 短路执行. 可以作为 if 的 one liner.

$ mkdir temp && cd temp
$ [[ -d temp ]] || mkdir temp  # 不存在才创建

(()) for integers

bash 的语法, 少见?

if ((1))  # true
if ((0))  # false
if ((INT == 0))
if ((INT < 0))
if (( ((INT % 2)) == 0 ))


The read builtin command is used to read a single line of standard input. This command can be used to read keyboard input or, when redirection is employed, a line of data from a file.

read [-options] [variable...]

If no variable name is supplied, the shell variable REPLY contains the line of data.

少见? 鸽了, 直接看书.



while [ "$foo" -lt 5 ]; do
    echo "$foo"

同 if 可以用双方括号. 此外还有 break 和 continue.


for foo in 1 2 3 4; do
    echo "$foo"

brace expansion

for foo in {1..4}

此外还有 C 语言形式的 for 循环, 略.


书上列了一些典型错误, 直接看.

直接 print 大法 (指 echo) 或者 bash 提供了 tracing

#!/bin/bash -x



# blahblah

set -x # Turn on tracing
# blahblah
set +x # Turn off tracing



./script.sh Hello World

Will make

$0 = ./script.sh
$1 = Hello
$2 = World

当参数很多时, The shift command causes all the parameters to "move down one" each time it is executed.


# posit-param2: script to display all arguments

# $# 参数数量, 不算 $0
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
    echo "Argument $count = $1"
    count=$((count + 1))


可以结合 case 写位置参数, 略.


只支持一维数组. 使用场景可以参考 SC2086#exceptions.

# index 从 0 开始, 但是赋值时中间可以不赋值
echo ${a[1]}

days=(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat)
days=([0]=Sun [1]=Mon [2]=Tue [3]=Wed [4]=Thu
[5]=Fri [6]=Sat)

for i in "${days[@]}"; do echo $i; done


shellcheck 插件提供了 很多建议

Google 也有 style guide.