
title: "Stockfish NNUE 的网络简介" categories:

As of August 6, the efficiently updatable neural network (NNUE) evaluation has landed in the Stockfish repo!

Both the NNUE and the classical evaluations are available, and can be used to assign a value to a position that is later used in alpha-beta (PVS) search to find the best move. The classical evaluation computes this value as a function of various chess concepts, handcrafted by experts, tested and tuned using fishtest. The NNUE evaluation computes this value with a neural network based on basic inputs. The network is optimized and trained on the evaluations of millions of positions at moderate search depth.

The NNUE evaluation was first introduced in shogi, and ported to Stockfish afterward. It can be evaluated efficiently on CPUs, and exploits the fact that only parts of the neural network need to be updated after a typical chess move.

Introducing NNUE Evaluation 写得非常简明, 回答了很多重要问题.

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Q: NNUE 是什么? 用在哪里?

A: Efficiently updatable neural network. 作为 alpha-beta search 的估值函数.

图片来自 Stockfish NNUE - Chessprogramming wiki

Q: NNUE 结构是什么?

A: 很简单, 就是 embedding + sum pooling + 几个小的全连接网络.

KP is combination of own King - piece position [plus] combination of opponent King - piece position. HalfKP is combination of own King - piece position only.

参考原论文 高速に差分計算可能なニューラルネットワーク型将棋評価関数.

Q: 为什么 NNUE 在 CPU 上这么快?


把这个东西直接放 GPU 上反而不划算. GPU 算这种小网络瓶颈是 IO, 非常亏算力. 设计之初原作者目的就是在 CPU 上跑.

Q: 训练数据哪里来?

A: "The network is optimized and trained on the evaluations of millions of positions at moderate search depth." 将之前人工特征得到的 stockfish 引擎的 moderate search depth (alpha-beta search) 的估值作为真实数据, 训练 NNUE. 让 stockfish 自己对局, 就能生成训练数据.


之前好奇为什么除了棋类引擎外, 其他没见到什么领域谈论 NNUE. 现在知道了. 因为它的结构真没什么特别的 (甚至是早就用烂了的), 但这个结构却正好符合棋类估值的应用 (大量相似局面的评估). 简单结构的精彩应用.