
See Game Log for Tactics Ogre LUCT One Vision Mod for the old post, and this repo for the rules and saves I used.

This time I am going to following the refined common rules and optional rules, e.g. 5 skill 2 spell rule.

See here for the meta under these rules.

2021/4/3: New rules are applied now, see here.

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Candidate builds

See here for some of my thoughts about teambuilding.

Remember that this time we only have 5 skill slots, so every slot matters.


Description for the build

- Equipment (1h weapon + shield by default)
- Skill 1
- Skill 2
- ...

Usually, Spear sidegrade, Whip and ranged weapons are the best options for physical classes without magic. See arguments here.


Midline Wallbreaker, Nuker

As a physical unit using melee weapons without magic, attack range and mobility matter. The 5th skill is decided by the map. Wade and Jump is for mobility. Sqaush removes clones made by Knight.

With a spear sidegrade, Counterhit is not needed. With Double Strike (so Bash is unwanted) and a 2h weapon, he can deal burst damage in one turn.

Considering that the spear provides some AVD, we may maximize AVD to make Warrior highly evasive.

With an AVD build, Lead Ward will further raise Warrior's survivability and gives him an option to support teammates. As is often the case, Leaden will be inflicted by bow's rank 2 finisher or dark spell Wormhole.

Vigorous Attack may clear Stagger which is deadly to evasive units. With acc buff, AGI gears are not necessary for Warrior. Also, it is essential to tap Vigorous Attack beforehand to make sure Double Strike lands with (nearly) 100% acc. Due to Vigorous Attack, it is not very suitable for Warrior to use ranged weapons since Truestrike and Trueflight overwrite each other.

Team Options

Frontline or Midline Attacker

This build is much more defensive. With an 1h weapon, Warrior cannot deal much damage to tanks and instead focuses on hitting squishy units and supporting melee teammates with Vigorous Attack.

Mirror Aspis (Lv. 24 shield, 40 RES, 20% elem resist) is great to cover the hole of low magic def of Warrior.

Other Options

Of course, to make use of Mighty Strike, one might want to equip weapons possessing debuffs on hit.


Flank or Frontline Disabler / Annoyer

Bullseye is god. We need it for a guaranteed disable.

I don't find it rewarding to use melee builds considering how squishy Rogue is and that he doesn't have magic. Sneak Attack is really useless.

Booby Trap is a very interesting skill if it's used by enemies. However, it requires consumables so are not very attractive under Heal Clause which restircts consumable uses.

Speedstar might be useful for a bow build, but not this one. In a disabler build, it is hard to generate enough TP to make Quick useful, and we want to tap Bullseye every time.

Counterhit shouldn't be equipped if a shutdown blowgun is used. Since by Shutdown Clause, it might lead to a sudden loss.

Non-shutdown blowguns (e.g. fear) are also useful and will be not restricted by Shutdown Clause.

Team Options


Frontline or Midline Ranged Attacker

Ideally, Tamer should tap one skill every turn, and using a ranged weapon allows him to find a better position for both attacking and utilizing a skill in one turn.

Tamer extremely needs TP 
to use class skills every turn
-> high atk
    -> Sidearm. Tamer is tough, 
    so shorter range can be tolerated.
-> high acc
    -> AGI/DEX gears + Trajectory
Tactician helps to reach the TP threshold earlier, 
and also makes Turn 2 Trajectory possible.

Team Options

Bahamut (light dragon)

haven't tested it yet

Support, Disabler, Nuker

The sleep of Sacred Breath will be guaranteed with Dragonheart, so he can be called a disabler. Holy War might not be handy to use due to Shutdown Clause (shutdown clause is modified on 2021/1/21).

Boulder might only be useful in high level or when the monster is empowered.

place holder

Team Options

place holder


haven't tested it yet

Tank, Frontline Ranged Attacker

With Knight-like classes banned, the only tanks left are Hoplite and Golem.

Hoplite can't deal much damage and won't take much damage either, so TP generation is quite slow. 20 TP for Trajectory may be expensive for him, so AGI gears are needed.

With a sidearm, he can get a better position to stall enemies, attack and use a skill.

Rampart Aura (with or without Phanlanx) is a very powerful tool and there are a few tricks. I might talk about it in detail after finishing writing other parts.

Haven't used Intersession and Apostate much. Need some time to test.

Team Options


This build is deprecated since Distill Mind is banned on 2021/1/20.

Backline Utility Support / Annoyer / Disabler

The defining feature is Distill Mind, which makes Warlock the best Disabler / Support ever. Warlock can do anything well except dealing great damage.

Clarity is always better than Efficacy if only one skill may be equipped. Tactician is here for Distill Mind. With these three skills, Warlock is never short of MP and can even charge MP to teammates.

If a disabler build is wanted, then my classic build can be applied: Dagger sidegrade + MND gears. With Class Clause Plus, the only shutdown option left for Warlock is a light spell, Oblivion. However, light magic sucks in general and can't coexist with dark magic where there are many debuffs available...

Build example: Lightning Magic + Draconic Magic. Use Draconic Magic to buff in Turn 2, and then tap Electrify to charge TP every turn.


Dual Wielding Nuker

Self-explanatory build.

Cressida challenge


See the rules here

I will follow the reverse mirror match rules.

I'm going to follow 4 skills since 2021/3/13.

Classes available.


- SWORDMASTER (status restoration)

- LICH  

- FAMILIAR (status restoration)


- ARCHER (banned because of archers will show up in reinforcement)

Some candidates for the only one special class slot.

Wicce lv. 18

Exorcism, MP/TP control, Support

Necromancy and Devour are indispensable.

Due to the rules, there are only 2 consistent undead removal tools left: Banish from Necromancy and Fervor from White Knight. As for Banish, there are only few classes left under the rules: Lich, Heretic, Wicce.

Besides Banish, Necromancy also provides important tools to remove MP (Brainrot) and TP (Curse). Wicce has a not-too-bad accuracy (0.6 to Nebyth, 0.8 to Necro, 0.6 to Blue Witch, 0.75 to Blue TK, 0.6~0.7 to Blue Hoplite) with max def build (VIT ring), spellcraft from Dagger sidegrade can guarantee 100%. Using a MND ring or replacing Parry with Magic Time are also sound choices, depending on builds of teammates.

Devour is for long ranged and reliable MP control. Devour can also be used to deal with Ninja's Nullify.

Draconic can take care of most minor status in one slot, and offer damage and various support choices. It can inflict any kind of elemental averse, which has synergy with damage scaling finishers from teammates.

Other options

Note that Devour also restores HP. A combo: Charge (MP) the enemy and then Devour him. The MP pool can be kept high and the process can be repeated again and again.

An option is to equip Empower Golem.

White Knight

- Palladium
- Fervor
- Santuary

Palladium + Santuary is possible to block enemies even in Obstacle Clause.

- Gambit

Since Divine Magic is banned, Gambit is the most convenient debuff removing tool.

Wizard lv. 18

Support: pure MP charger

Cloud Shoes provide Levitate which improves mage's poor movement, and Sidestep with which (and max avd gears) mage can evade ranged physical attack.

Books + Meditate + Clarity generate MP then use Charge to transfer it to others. The targets: Spellblade and Matriarch with 3 magic + evade.

Dark magic has quite a lot utility spells so he can also do something if Charge is not called for.

Other units may not have the slot to equip Silence Ward, so he has another job to clear silence for backlines.

Some thoughts for lv. 18 version

First team


Offensive cores

Niche combo


Random thoughts

Core: archer (2h bow sidegrade + double shot) + familiar (selfless kiss) or Accelerator + Eletrify

Interesting Battles

New rules are applied now, see here.

The Gates of Barnicia




Game plan

