
得知这个网站起源于我想了解 "他者化 (othering)" 这个概念. 这本身是一个哲学概念, 所以大多文章多少会涉及一些术语或者人名. 但哲学我又完全不懂, 因此想找简单的文章读, 于是就找到了 verywellmind. 其上的文章不涉及任何专业术语, 非常易读, 并且有专业人士 review 确保质量. 另外还发现很多心理学相关的公众号都会编译这个网站上的内容.

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles.

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Overall, introversion is a personality trait where the person focuses more on internal feelings rather than on external sources of stimulation.

Typically, people who are introverted have a small group of close friends, enjoy solitude, and find large groups or parties draining at times. They also are very self-aware, enjoy observing people and situations, and are drawn to careers that foster independence.

It's also important to note that introversion is not the same thing as being antisocial, having social anxiety, or being shy.

社恐 (social anxiety, previously referred to as social phobia) 是正儿八经的心理疾病, 会严重影响生活, 而非人们平常随口自称的那种.

Shyness involves fear of negative evaluation (and is a milder form of social anxiety), whereas introversion refers to a tendency toward becoming over-stimulated and the need to be alone to gain energy. The opposite of shyness is being outgoing. The outgoing person is not afraid of others and has a tendency to approach.





以这篇文章的内容来说, 他者化并没有涉及新的内容, 但其体现的原则依然值得复习. 仅仅是知道一个概念, 就能让我们有意识地避免它.

Othering is a phenomenon in which some individuals or groups are defined and labeled as not fitting in within the norms of a social group. It is an effect that influences how people perceive and treat those who are viewed as being part of the in-group versus those who are seen as being part of the out-group.

Othering also involves attributing negative characteristics to people or groups that differentiate them from the perceived normative social group.

It is an "us vs. them" way of thinking about human connections and relationships. This process essentially involves looking at others and saying "they are not like me" or "they are not one of us."


傲慢, 偏见, 歧视, 敌意, 标签化

第二条也可以看成缺乏 cooperative mindset, 对别人充满敌意?

他者化可以基于任何属性, 包括年龄, 肤色, 性别, 性取向, 职业等.


Othering can also arise as a way to justify the past mistreatment of others. For example, if you've treated someone else badly, you might experience feelings of shame or guilt about your behavior.

In order to reconcile your belief that you are a good person despite your negative actions toward another person, you might engage in othering as a way to dehumanize the individual. It's a way of distancing yourself from them and reducing your empathy for them. As a result, you're less likely to feel bad about your own behavior.

Othering can be a way of thinking some people "deserve what they got," at least in your own mind. This helps people cope with feelings of cognitive dissonance, or the discomfort they may feel when they hold two conflicting beliefs or when their beliefs do not align with their behaviors.

Related: How to Resolve Cognitive Dissonance 也挺有趣的

How to Minimize Othering
