
layout: post title: "VSCode Typings and Intellisense: Dummy Learning VS-Code 1" comments: true categories: Blog

tag: vscode

Updated on Jun 20 2016 for 1.0 typings and 1.x.x VS Code

I try to bring code intellisense to visual studio code for three.js today. The process is also suitable for other packages.


As it is said on Visual Studio Code website:

VS Code provides IntelliSense for built-in symbols of browsers, Node.js, and virtually all other environments through the use of type definition .d.ts files. DefinitelyTyped is a repository of typings files for all major JavaScript libraries and environments.

We will use Typings to install these files.

That's it. Now we can enjoy the syntax intellisense in vscode! For other languages and packages the process is similar.