
title: "Windows Efficient Setup" date: 2024-08-31T00:23:37+08:00 categories: [Efficiency] tags: [Windows, Omakub] aliases: [/posts/windows-efficient-setup/]

description: "Setup an efficient development environment on Windows"

Last month I read DHH's blog post Introducing Omakub. Omakub is a project that helps you to setup your Ubuntu machine by running a single command. DHH composed a list of tools he uses on his Ubuntu.

In spirit of the post, I decided to setup my Windows machine efficiently like Omakub.

You can find the full setup script here.

Following is the keyboard Layout I am using.

Keyboard Layout

Tool: AutoHotKey, PowerToys

Shortcut Description
Alt + Number Switch between Apps
Win + Number Switch between Desktops
Caplock Switch between Input Methods
Caplock(hold) Switch between Upper/Lower
  1. Download VirtualDesktopAccessor.dll
  2. Put the .dll and .ahk files in one folder, create a shortcut for Config.ahk.
  3. Copy the shortcut to path C:\Users\<YourName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup to make it auto startup.
  4. Install PowerToys, remap LWin and LAlt.
  5. (Optional) Turn off window animation in windows settings.

The Problem of Windows' Shortcuts

As we know, the Windows shortcut is very limited when switching between apps and desktops. For users who are not English native speakers, switching input method when typing is also not a good experience.

Comparing with Windows, MacOS has a very powerful shortcut system. You can always use cmd + q to close a window, caplock to switch between input methods.

DHH moved the MacOS' advantages to Linux. The Windows users can also refer to the Omakub project and build a more powerful development environment.