layout: post
title: "LFN ONAP Beijing Release Developer Forum: MSB to Support Carrier Grade ONAP Microservice Architecture with Service Mesh" subtitle: "" excerpt: "" author: "赵化冰" date: 2017-11-11 description: "In this session, I'll talk about the MSB Plan for R2 and Beyond. I'll also discuss the OMSA(ONAP Microservice Architecture): the vision of ONAP Microservice Architecture to support Carrier-Grade requirements of ONAP Microservices, which includes Service Orchestration, Service Discovery, Inter-service Communication, Service Governance and Service Monitoring and External API Gateway." image: "" published: true showtoc: false tags:
- Microservice
- API Gateway
- Presentations
- text: "Santa Clara, CA, USA 2017/11"
- text: "活动链接"
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link: "/img/2017-11-11-onap-msb-to-support-carrier-grade-onap-microservice-architecture-with-service-mesh/onap-msb-to-support-carrier-grade-onap-microservice-architecture-with-service-mesh.pdf"
In this session, I'll talk about the MSB Plan for R2 and Beyond. I'll also discuss the OMSA(ONAP Microservice Architecture): the vision of ONAP Microservice Architecture to support Carrier-Grade requirements of ONAP Microservices, which includes Service Orchestration, Service Discovery, Inter-service Communication, Service Governance and Service Monitoring and External API Gateway.
ONAP Architecture Principle: ONAP modules should be designed as microservices: service-based with clear, concise function addressed by each service with loose coupling.
MSB Plan for R2 and Beyond: