
layout: post

title: "LFN ONAP Developer Event: Microservice Bus Tutorial " subtitle: "" excerpt: "" author:     "赵化冰" date: 2017-09-25 description: "Microservices Bus(MSB) provide a reliable, resilient and scalable communication and governance infrastructure to support Microservice Architecture including including service registration/discovery, external API gateway, internal API gateway, client SDK.It's a pluggable architecture so it can integrate with auth service provider to provide centralized Authentication & Authorization. MSB also provides a service portal to manage the REST APIs." image: "https://www.ft.com/__origami/service/image/v2/images/raw/http%3A%2F%2Fcom.ft.imagepublish.upp-prod-us.s3.amazonaws.com%2F8a361812-5a1f-11ea-abe5-8e03987b7b20?fit=scale-down&source=next&width=700" published: true showtoc: false tags:

- Microservice
- API Gateway


- Presentations


- text: "Saclay, France 2017/09"
- text: "活动链接"
  link: "https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/September+26-28+Topics#September2628Topics-M2"
- text: "讲稿下载"
  link: "/img/2017-09-25-onap-microservice-bus-tutorial/msb.pdf"


Microservices Bus(MSB) provide a reliable, resilient and scalable communication and governance infrastructure to support Microservice Architecture including including service registration/discovery, external API gateway, internal API gateway, client SDK. It's a pluggable architecture so it can integrate with auth service provider to provide centralized Authentication & Authorization. MSB also provides a service portal to manage the REST APIs.

MSB doesn’t depend on a specific environment. It can work in bare metal, virtual machine or containerized environment.

How MSB fits in ONAP architecture?

ONAP Microservice Architecture:


download pdf

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