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About Me

Hello! I’m Huabing Zhao, an engineer at Tetrate, with extensive experience across leading technology companies such as Tencent Cloud, ZTE Corporation, and Oracle. My current expertise centers around Envoy, Envoy Gateway, and Istio. I am also the creator of Aeraki Mesh, an open-source CNCF project that extends Istio’s capabilities to manage traffic for protocols such as Dubbo, Thrift, Redis, and other proprietary protocols.

Feel free to connect with me via:


Title Type Publisher Link
Istio Service Mesh Advanced Practical Book Publishing House of Electronics Industry Buy now
Distributed Tracing with Jaeger, Kubernetes, and Istio Live Project Manning 30% off
Cloud Native Data Center Networking Translation China Electric Power Press Buy now
Istio Operation Bible ebook Read online

Presentations (Selected)

Year City Conference Title Slides Video
2024 Hong Kong KubeCon China Gateway API and Beyond: Introducing Envoy Gateway's Gateway API Extensions Slides Video
2023 Chicago KubeCon NA Introduce MetaProtocol Proxy: A Layer-7 Proxy Framework Powered by Envoy Slides Video
2023 Shanghai KubeCon China Envoy Gateway: The API Gateway for the Cloud-Native Era Slides Video
2022 Shanghai China Service Mesh Summit Manage Dubbo Application In Istio Service Mesh In 5 Minutes Slides Video
2022 Virtual IstioCon Tencent Music’s service mesh practice with Istio and Aeraki Slides Video
2022 Virtual A2M Full-Stack Service Mesh – Aeraki Mesh Empowers You to Manage Any Layer 7 Traffic in a Service Mesh Slides
2022 Virtual Tencent Cloud Aeraki Mesh: Service Mesh Practices in Video Streaming Applications for the 2022 Winter Olympics Slides Video
2021 Virtual IstioCon How to manage any layer-7 traffic in an Istio service mesh? Slides Video
2020 Virtual CNBPS Understanding Istio Traffic Management and Protocol Extensions Slides Video
2019 Chengdu Service Mesher Meetup What Can Service Mesh Learn From SDN? Slides Video
2019 Xi'an ONAP Workshop Service Mesh Practice with 5G Management System Slides
2018 Nanjing GNTC Service Mesh in Action with ONAP
2017 Santa Clara NAP Developer Forum MSB to Support Carrier Grade ONAP Microservice Architecture with Service Mesh Slides
2017 Santa Clara ONS Microservice Powered Orchestration Slides
2017 New Jersey ONAP Developer Event MSB Technical Deep Dive and ONAP Use Cases Slides
2017 Paris ONAP Developer Event Microservice Bus Tutorial Slides

Open Source Projects

Project Role Website GitHub
Aeraki Mesh Creator https://aeraki.net http://github.com/aeraki-mesh
Envoy Gateway Maintainer https://gateway.envoyproxy.io https://github.com/envoyproxy/gateway
Envoy Contributor https://www.envoyproxy.io https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy
Istio Contributor https://istio.io https://github.com/istio/istio
ONAP PTL https://www.onap.org
hugo-theme-cleanwhite Creator https://themes.gohugo.io/themes/hugo-theme-cleanwhite https://github.com/zhaohuabing/hugo-theme-cleanwhite


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