
title: Upload Canvas Snapshots to Node.js time: 2015.12.27 21:33:35 layout: post tags:

What can you learn from this post?

This post talks about how to generate a snapshot image from canvas and upload to Node.js, and then save to <a href="http://bce.baidu.com/doc/BOS/index.html" target="_blank">BOS</a>. Since BOS has limit for file name, we first save it locally on Node.js server and then upload to BOS.

Generate Images from Canvas

{% highlight js %} canvas.toDataURL(); {% endhighlight %}

This generates a path starting with data:image/png;base64, and if you enters this path in Web Browsers, it gives the image generated.

Upload to Node.js Server

I use jQuery to post the data url to Node.js.

{% highlight js %} $.post('http://localhost/...', { img: canvas.toDataURL() }); {% endhighlight %}

On the server side, we use req.body.img to get the posted parameter.

{% highlight js %} exports.upload = function(req, res) { var dataUrl = req.body.img; }; {% endhighlight %}

Since Node.js has a limit for post data, we need to set the limit to be large enough in app.js.

{% highlight js %} var bodyParser = require('body-parser');

app.use(bodyParser.json({ limit: '16mb' }));

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false, limit: '16mb' })); {% endhighlight %}

Upload to BOS

<a href="http://bce.baidu.com/doc/BOS/index.html" target="_blank">BOS</a> is a object storage service provided by Baidu. With <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/baidubce-sdk" target="_blank">npm baidubce-sdk</a>, we can have an easy access to it with Node.js. Here is an example of uploading file to BOS.

{% highlight js %} var bce = require('baidubce-sdk');

var config = { credentials: { ak: '...', sk: '...' }, endpoint: 'http://bj.bcebos.com' };

var bucket = 'bucket-name-here';

exports.put = function (localName, remoteName, callback) { var client = new bce.BosClient(config); client.putObjectFromFile(bucket, remoteName, localName) .then(function() { return client.getObjectMetadata(bucket, remoteName); }) .then(function(response) { if (callback) { callback(null, response); } }) .catch(function(error) { console.error(error); if (callback) { callback(error); } }); }; {% endhighlight %}

Here, localName is the file name on Node.js server, while remoteName is the file name you want to store in the BOS bucket.

BOS has a limit for file name, so we can't just use the generated base64 name data:image/png;base64,... as localName.

One approach is to save the image on Node.js server as temporary image with random name and upload to BOS, which will then be deleted from Node.js server afterwards.

{% highlight js %} exports.saveImage = function (dataUrl) { var matches = dataUrl.match(/^data:.+\/(.+);base64,(.*)$/); var buffer = new Buffer(matches[2], 'base64');

var savePath = path.resolve(__dirname + '../../../tmp/'
    + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + '.png');
fs.writeFileSync(savePath, buffer);
return savePath;


exports.removeImage = function (savePath) { fs.unlinkSync(savePath); }; {% endhighlight %}